HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/20/1956MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MAtTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, N.Y. Feb.20,1956. Present Commissioners Anrlg, Penny, Reeve,Tuthill,~nd Price, and Treas.Gildersleeve. MaatZug held at the firehouse,calls., to order by the chairman at 7.48 P.M. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were ordered paidz Tide Water AssOC. 0il Co. $5.56; ~,.£.LAghting 0o. 18.41; Arthur F.~mlth Co. ~8.45. Chairman ~nrig reposed that t~ Southold Town Board h~d no objection to ou~ District having a wire in the Police Office for a Fire ~ p~oses. Action ~e seco~ed s~ca~ried ~t a Step~naon Resuscitator ~d I~lator be purcheeed,~md t~t the Mc Kesson ResuscitatOr be disposed of ~t t~ ~st price obt~ln~:ble. Motion m~e,seco~e, and carried th:,t an "Air Pac" b~at~ng apparat ~a be p~chased. Motion mgde,seco~e," a~A c a~ried 2h~.2 bids for ~ ee (3) ne~ fi~ wells witch the Matti~ck Fire Distr~ct be advertised,one ad to be in ~e ~ews~Review, a~ one in the Travel~r-W~.tc~. to be locate~ on Msrle~ Drive,one on Pine St~et,a~ one Road ~ar Route 2~. Bids ~ ~ in t~ hs~s of the aeo~ta~ by 8 ~.~. Ma~h ~th. The secreta~ was inat~cted to have Att7.~;i!li~ p~p~ ~e specifications ~ notices. T~ seo~ta~ was also to have Mr.Wie~m prepa~ adVe~iae~nt for bids on t~ sale of the ~r~ T~ck. T~ vsl~ of s~ ~as considered to ~ less:'~n $2~.~ Ontarion msde,seco~e~ ~ ca~ed,~he ~eting was D. R. Gilde~eve, Se~.