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HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/06/1956 MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, N.Y. AHMUAL 0RGABIZATI0u MEETinG. Ja~.6,1956. P~eeent: C~eelo~e~s An~lg~Pe~n2, Ree~e,~dthXll,e~d Price, ~ T~aa.GXXde~aXeeve, T~ t~aa~r p~aXded fo~ ~e election of a ~ fo~ ~e ~a~ X9~. Otto ~.~i~ was n~ted,~ n~l~tion se~e ,,a~ ~ was ~e~X2 ele~. M~.~Xg ~ t~k ~ oha~F. Ml~tea of ~ ~o~ ~l ~eting ~ ~ad ~ app--. ~ R.Oll~ol~ve was ~:ppo~tod 8oc~ta~ for t~ ~ T~ T~Fe · ~usl f~ancial ~po~ for the 2ee~ 19~ ,'~ Feed e~ apD~,~ ~ cOp7 o~e~d to ~ plao~ on fllo. '~ ~e t~aa~a ~ ~oport of ~oeipts ~ disburse- mints ~as ~ a~ app~ved. S~d ~port lo aa follows~ REO~IPT~8 To~ of ~u~old (P~pe~ Tsx~o)$14521.67; In~ee ~ 8.20j R~tal ~.00~te~st Z21.86,1.80~ Fi~ T~x l~.~$ Fi~en's Welfs~ ~.~ Pr~t~ 89.25;Telepho~ ~.12~ Mimaell~o~ ~0.~5;1.80% Fi~ T~ 450.~;~aae ~f App~tum Motion made,~a~ ~ c~ ~at ~ follo~ ~ n~.~ ~ ~poilto~ for ~ fX~ ~striot ~nies for ~e app~. T~ follo~ bills ~ o~e~ pald~ Ao~.FI~ ~0~ 81~e2 P.~XX ~.85~ ~18e 0il St~,. ~7.~0; ~no ~.~ N.X.Telep~ne 0o.X2.75; Lo~8 ~ 265.~. C~ifo~a 011 Co.~.91. ~1~ wac ~,oe~ed ~ c~led ~hat~ 10 foot to m~e ~q~Fleo ~~ b price of a el~n ~ a ~r,a~ to · l'aao 7 ~ The matter of Installing new fife wells il-- ~as eonoide~d. Motion was made,seoonded and espied ~hat one be installed on M~lene Dr~ve,~nd one on Pine Street. On ration made,leconded and cax~'led,the meeting was sdJourned, D