HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956STATE OF' NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER NAME OF DISTRICT .... .~..~...T...-~'.. ! ~ ~ C .~.~ IN THE COUNTY OF ............................ ...... ~ u F= F o z-I.~ .................... FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING ............. ;.... . ................. This Report must be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December thirty-first. General Municipal Law -'Section 30-31. Town Law - Section 181 DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS C(M4PTROT.T.£R ' S OFFICE RECEIPTS REVENUE RECEIPTS.. Property Taxes ~ Town of Town of Town of Town of Total Taxes ........................................... (When district is located in more than one to~n, the property taxes received from each town should be shown. ) ~, ~ ,., -r ~ o ,- P $ ~ I Y ,g ?. ..%- ! - (3) Other Revenue: Fire Protection Services Rendered Outside District ................... Refunds (Insurance, Etc.) ............ Ail Other (Itemize). ~..~ T.~..~. ...... .................... U.V. r~.~.~. ~.T ..... · ..0..t./? ;:.~ 6,.e-....~...o.c. ~..~.o..e.~. ....... &0 .oo I~?. o o Total Other Revenue .................. .~...~.7.'. · (7) $ ~"~ &' ~3 tot~ Revenue ~c~tpt, ............................ (zo) $ 2~ 7 f ~~ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS: Motes Issued ........................... (9) $ Bonds Issued ........................... (8) Total Non-Revenue Receipts ............................ TOTAL RECEIPTS .......... -.. ......................... BAX~NCE AT BEGINNING ~OF ~ (19~).~,%%.(J~ 70;-9. ., ,. ...... / TOTAL BALANCE ..................................... (13) TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE ........................ DISBURSEMENTS 0URRENT EXPENSES: Salaries and Wages ..................... Maintenance and Repair(Bldgs. Equip.).. Light and Heat ......................... I~suranc e .............................. Adwrtising ............................ Printing... ............................. Telephone .............................. Premium on Treasurer's Bond ............ Dues Paid to New York Association of Fire Districts ........ Other Expenses (Specify).. . ............ ~l I $ ~ ~.. .t..L. O N~.-.o.o. ,~ ........ rotU Cur~.~ ~e.s.s .................................. (~) l, ? zF~. ~'/ CAPITAL OUTLAY.. Purchase of Apparatus or Equi~nt ......................... ~. ~00. 13 Purchase or Erection of Buildings ...... Total Capital Outlay .................................... (2) $ ~GO0, /3 DEBT SERVICE: Payment of Notes - Principal ........... (3) $,, Payment of Bonds - Principal ........... (3) Interest on Notes and Bonds ............ (~) Total Debt Service ...................................... $._/~ ~T~, ~ ~ TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS ................................. (5) ~. , totAL ~u.~ .............................. : ........ (~) ~176 S~, 5-? ro?.,m m~ts ,_~ ~U~A.C~. .......................... (9) .13q.~77, .%-3 GENERAL INFORMAT ION Is the District ~overned by the To~n_ Beard or a separate Beard of Fire District Co~n~ssioners? 7-7"0 · I 7' ! D~TA~T.~.n START OF I _NDBBTEDNES$ -,.--- , Outstanding Issued Redeemed OutstandingI Notes (Principal Only): Types of Notes Be~tnning During Total During End of of Year Year Year Year Bend An%icipation $ .......... $ .......... $ ......... $ ......... $ .......... Capital ................................................ Budget ................................................ Tax Anticipation · · ................................................ Revenue Anticipation .. ................................. ., ............. TOTAL - NOTES , Bends (Principal Only).' Year Interest outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding - '(Show Each Issue Separately by of ~ate Beginning DurinA During End of Title a~ Purpose of ~ach) Issue of Year Year Year Year ..................... $ .......... $ ......... ~ ......... S .......... TOTAL - Tom of Town of Town of Town of TAX RATE AND ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE DISTriCT The Assessed Valuation multiplied by the Tax ~ate should, generally0 agree with the amount shown for Property Taxes on page 2. ) Tax Rate Per $1,000 Assessed Valuation TOTAL - ASSESSED VALUATION CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER Print Name . ~ire Distrlc~located in the Town or~ ;f: ~'~-$ ~J '~ ~,~--~ , County of -~ ~ :- .' . and;~ ~the~, fore~oin~9~ statement of_/. the receipts theand bestPaymentSof Ofknowled~e,SUch Fire District for the fiscal year ending --~./.. , 1951:N, is true to my Date d~~----~ , 195~ ' /'