HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/27/1957~INUTE.$ 0F }~},.'r'[NO OF GOM~[ISS.[0NERS OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT ~ ~ ~1~ MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, N.Y. Dec.27,1957. Present:Contmlssioners Anrig,Tuthill,~nd Price,and T~1 ss.Gtldersleeve. ~eeting ~Jas held ~t the firehouse,c, lled to order by $~lnmtes of the last meeting-~e~ r~ad ~d approved. The follo~ing bills were ordered p~ld: J.~ois {~i177.45, ~.~.T~l~ohone Co. 8,40, ~.9~,~.nd 2~.~; L.t.Travale~ 12.95;~,VeDu~ee 7.~0; ,,.L.B..rker,Jr 15.b8; Louis Do~ 42.3b;Geo.H.Nine ~i~-:.rt~ Suter 5.00; ~: lter Ooutts 5.00;Suffolk Fire & Police Equip Co. 15,49; ~ell 0il Co. 9.83; LILi~ting Co. 17,555Assn.Fire Dists.St~te of l~.Y. ~.~0; ,~.B.R~nd lO.OQ;S~f.Fire & Police ~:qulp Co. R~ ~no Distributore 2o.u~. The Secretary r~port~d on the resets of the annual election heid Dec.Zrd. 65 votes c~ st for Fire Oo~mnissioner. For Elwood S.Reeve 89,B~nk 4. i~r. Reeve decl=red elected. 6~ votes c:'st for Flre Dist. Treasurer. }or Don~ld R.Gildersleeve 4~, For Lalter Dohm For George Taylor 1, Blank 17. ~r. Gilders~e.~ve decl~, red electeo. The secret~ ry ~,~as :~uthorized to sign contr~ct '?ith R~ynor Distributors for four-ye~:r rent 1 of oxygen cylinder. J~n 3,19~ ;~as set for the d~te of the nnu~:l org~niz=tion meet£ng or the offiCers. on ~otlon :.mdc, seconded ~nd c~:rried, the meeting