HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/29/1957~klNUTES OF MEET£~ OF O0-~ISSIONERS OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT ~ MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. Ney. Z9,19~?. Present: Commissioners Anrig,Tuthill, ~.nd. Price, ~ nd Trees Oilde rsleeve. J'~eeting held · the firehouse,called to orderb2 Chr irman ~nrig :.t 7.45 P.M. hinutes of the last meeting were x~.d ~nd ~proved. Tho following bills w re or, ere ~:~;id: Chss.E.?~iska $120.0~?; Shell 0il 0o. 18.~5; South ~oPe Outdoor Sto~s 32.~; ne Re2 $.R eve 19.~; A~u~ ~.Pe~y 56.88; L.i. LiF~ n~ Uo. kEX~XSxx 17.17; Vol.Fi~ Police assn.,St:ts of N.Y. 21.60; N.~.Telephone Co. 8.98,26.0~ ~ ~6.00; Jos.J~,oisa 15.15; C lifo~ 0il Co. 10.14; bO~s Do~ ~2.?0; ~w. Ad~s 19.6~. On motS on ~ae, seconded ~ carried Carmen John Hos'eph ~idor, Jr.,Fred ~telzer,~eil ~Jr.,Hobe~t Ch~ rles S~liv~t,t~oel R.~lb~ch~,~a all~ O.Dlckerson,were accepted as m~bems or,he ~;~.~tti~ Fire Co.,s~d ~n hw lng been pussed on by the Comp~2 ~rs~p c~t~ee ~n~ the members of the Fire Co. F~ Stelzer, i8 years ~ ~e,accepte~ subJect~ to written ~nsent of his pa~ents. ~artin Suter, Geo.H.~ine ~nd W~,lter Coutts were appointe(~ to ser~e as inspector~ of election ~ t the mnual election on Bec.5~d. On motion made.seconded ~nd c arried,the follo~Ang resolution ~as adopted "Resolved,th t the inspectors of e~ection on be p:~id the s~mof Five Doll rs e~ch for their ser-~Ices". Dec.~eTth was a)pointedfor the ~i~te ofthe next cm,m~ss- ioners' meet[ ng. Copies of the :~chool Fire Inspection Report for the ~ tltuck ~nd Laurel schools v~ere ~ecei~ed,to be kept on file. ,,otion~m~de, secondo~ ~nd carried that 500 fe~t of 1/2 inch fire hose be ordered. Phone c~..ll was to be ma~e regarding inst~ll.tion of n~W ~ ~.1 ~ on the i~o.~ pmnper. On motion m~-~de,seconded an~ caroled, the meeting