HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/21/1957 ~ ,~i~ MATTITUCK FiRe DISTRICT ~ MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, N.Y, 0ct~21~1957, Preae~l; :Commissioners Anrig, Reeve,Tuthlll,~nd Price and T~eas~Gildersleeve, Also ~sst.Chief Olmsted. ~eeting was held ;t the firehouse,c~lled to',~order by ~z chairman -~nrig ~ 7.55 P.M, app roved Minutes of the September meeting were read ~nd The following bills ~vere ordered p~.-id~ Barker's Phramacy ~8,22; ~.¥.Telephone Co. $25.55,7o1& & ~4.25; California Oi! co, 8.9~; ~.¥.Duryee 12.02; J.R.Haw kins 56.30; L & L Market 5.38; She£l 0~1 Co. 28.96; Otto V:,n Tuyl & Son 25.00; Ed.T~ylor L.~.L~ghting Co. BO.09; Le Roy $.Reeve 29.05; Suffolk Fir~ & ~ce Equ~p.~o. 886.60; Jos.~o~sa 40.57; Mrs.~eorge Nine 1B.O0. ~otion was made,seconded ~nd carried that a hand expander for 1 1/2 inch hose be purchased. Bids for fuel oil for the period 0ct.19,1957 to Oct. 18 ~1958,were opened snd read. Eckert Oil Service $.1465 per g~llon for season 0ct.1957 through May 1958. Robert L.Bergen ~ ' $.1460. North Fork Oil He:t $.1075 plus $.032 (firm ch~,rFe),and subject to decreases or increases for duration of c~ntract. Motion was m~de,seconded ~:,nd c~,rried th~'~t the bid of Robert L. Bergen be accepted. · The ,secretary was authorize.~ to perpare hot'ides and b~llots for the '~nnual fire district election to t&e place on ' Dec.3,1957. Asst.~hief Olmsted reporte~'t that notices of a town ordln.nce in regard to the burning of rubbish fires m d plot f~res were being mailed to P.O.box holders, covering M~tituck, L~,urel,~r~ R.F.D. adJOUl~le~. On motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting was D.R. Gilde rsle eve, Sec.