HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/27/1957~I~JTE~ OF ~, E~II~O OF GO~ISS~OI~E~S OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. ~Jinutes of the ~ugust meet~ ng were read ~nd ,~ ~proved The follo ring bills were orUered ~,~id: California Oil CO. $29.76; Shell Oil Co. 5.87; N.Y.Telephone Co. 7.~0, 25.5~ & 24.~5; Lo~s Dohm 4.50; Sunrise Oil Sra. 31.54; L.I.Tr~.~veler 17.75S ~os. Moisa 111.405 '~.V.Duryee 18.75; North Fork ¥,rec~tng Go. 11.28; Homelite Div. of Textron 1;i!.~0 & 27.00; Louis A.Gerard,Treas. 2.50; Mo~ton J.Phlllips 3~.00; L.I.Llghttng 0o.28.~4. ~otion made.seconded and c~,rried tt~t 2 copies of mpplement to book of fire laws be purcha~ed. ~,otion m~de, seconded and c arrived tl~t the ch~ irman be ~uthorized to m~d~e arr~agements for a new tank to be inst lled in the I~o.2 p~mpe~. ~otion mado,secc~xied ar~ carrie~ that fuel oil bids be asked from loc'~l fuel oil dealers for fuel supply for one year to 0ct.18,1957. Bids to be in the h~nds of the secret~y on or befor~ 0ct.18,1957 ~t?.3~ P.~. On motion m~de,sec~m~/ed D.R.Glldersleeve, Sec.