HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/19/1957MI~UTES OF ~A~X~u~~ MEETING O~ GOM~IISSIONERS OF MATTiTUCK FiRe DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, N.Y. July 19,1957. Present: Commissioners Ar~rig, Penny,Reeve,Tuthill, and Price,..:nd Treas. Glldersleeve. Meeting held at the firehouse, c~l led to order by Oh~:irm~ ~nrig at 7.30 P.M. I'~inutes of the June meeting were read :~nd approved. The following~ bills were ordered paid:N.Y.Tele;~hone Co ~:7.~0,25.55,& 24.25; R.E.Lindsay,?Ostmaster 3.60; Sunrise Surgical SuP.co. 8.00; Joseph Moisa 84.70;Louis Dohm ~3.30; Reginald H.Tuthtll 15.~0; Suffolk Fire & Police Equip.Co. 67.66; Shell Oil Co.x~ :~;.47; Jones ~erVice 3t~. 1.~0; John H.Timmann 1694.00 & 69.00; Hug~xes & Thomas 412.00. ~iotion was made, seconde,~ ~,nd ca, ried that all newly elected firemen be pl~ ce on probation for ~ period of one Motion made, seco~de~. ~,nd c~ rrie, that 500 feet of 1 1lB inch fire hose be purchased. ~otion ~as made,seconded and c~rrle that the follow- lng budget be ~dopte for the year 1958: S l~.~ries and ~ages ~1200,00 Purchase of A~paratus & Equipment 6000.00 M~inten~nce & Repair of Apparatus & E quipme nt 2 ~00. O0 i~aintenance & Repair of Buildings 26~0.00 Capital Reserve Fund for Firehou~e 4000,00 Uniforms ~0,00 R~d~o C~m~cat~on for Fl~e Turck~ Mi scell~eous 300.00 TOTAL Less Est~ ted HeceX~ts 1~0.~0 Total Amount to be r:ised $25,0o0.00 Motion ~as made,seconde snd carried that a proposition to raise the shove amount by tax be submitted to the taxpayers of the Fire District ~t ~. Special Meeting to be held ~t the Firehouse on Aug.14~1957~polls to be opened from 7 P.M. to 10 P.M.,and th~the notice of said meeting be publishe., in the Tr~veler-Watchm~. The Co~,~nissioners appointed Clifford Polhemus,George H.Nine,~nd ~alter Courts to serve as inspectors of the election on ~ug.15. Motion was m~de, seconded ~ndc arried that the following Resolution be ~dopte~:"Resolved,~th~t the inspectors servling at the ~pecial Meeting on Aug.lS,1956,be pai~ ~5.,.~i0 each for their services.~ The meetiz~g was ~dJourned ,on m~tion m de,seconded ~nd carried.