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HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/03/1957MIiQUTES OF ~F~Z~Z ~I,~TIRG OF C0i.<.2':iISSIOI~Et{S OF
May 3,1957. Present: 0ommissioners Anrig, Penr,y, Reeve,T-thill,~nd
Price, and Treas.O'ldersleeve. AlsO Chief Eng. Bittner, ~.~nd ~:ssist~ nts
Haas and O~msted.'
2~eeting was held ~t the firehouse,c& le~t to order by
Ch~i~n Anrig .~t 7.3~ F.~.~
0n motion made, seconde :nd ~rried, the ~'ea~.~ng of the
minutes of the l~ meeti~ was dispensed ~e~x with,
The following bills we~ ordered p~id: M.H~nsen ~8~.~0;
Regin~~ ld H.Tmthill ~.~; L.I.Traveler ~.AA & 2~.~; Firemen~s Assan.of
State of N.Y. l~.O0; S~rise Oil St~. 1ES.~;W.V.D~yee lg~.8~;Eews-
Revi w Pub.Corp. 8.08; N.Y.Telephone Co.
The secret~ expX~ed theft owing to his error the
pub~i~ed advertisement for fire well bids h~ read th. t the bids '
~ver~ened on ~ y lO instead of ;,;~y 3~,t~refore it :ould be ~ecessm
a~'zor ~mother meeting on [~.:y 10th.
The secreta~ c~.ll~i attention to ~ clause tn the Vol-
~tee~ Fir~en's ~enefit L w theft requi~es a written st~. tement of injury
or death of a vol'~teer firemen to be presented or m~iled to the-
secreta~. ~ motion was m~::de, seco~e.~ ~d c~.~rried th~:t t~ secret~ .
w~rite to the M~t tituck Fire Comply explaining the ~po~nce of this
notice in v~rltlng'betng~omplied ~ith.
Motion was m~de,seconded ~d csrried that fire t~cks
to'be ~ep~ire~ ~.t~:~n to Hansen, s Sarage,~ titu~k, reopened;rescinding
?: Previous otter to ta~e t~cks to CZiff's . ar~go,Ct~o$:e. C~ef
Bittner'being present,was info,ed.
C~ef Bittner spoke of the need of more 2 1/2 inch
fire hose,~.nd also of tools for t~ seversl fire trucks.
A motion was made,.se~ed ~nd carried theft 500 feet
of ~ 1/2 ~c~ hose be purchased. Mr. Bittne~was ~uthori .ed to purchase
the necess~ tools as requeste~i.
A motion was made,see~d~ nd c~ tried th~::t ~ ~,~terfog
nozzle bep~ased. The secret~ was inst~cted to order s~.
Er.Haas brou~t in seversl wrenches, saws, ~ h~tchets,
~i~ he said We~ gifts from ~ surplus ~t M~ttituck Hi~ S~ool.
The idea of a co~ications ~stem was discussed at
some len~,~ no ~ction t~en.
0n motion made,so.nde ~ a~ c~rried~the meting was
D. R. Gilde rsleeve, Sec.