HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/10/1957MINUTES OF MEETING OF ~D~MISSIONERS OF MATTITUCK ' FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, N.Y. Mm y 10,1957. Present: commissioners ~nrig, Penny, Tuthtll,and Price,s~ Treas. Gtlde rsle eve. ~'~eeting held at the firehouse,c~ led to order by Anrig a~ 7.30 P.M. ;~fnutes of the Apz'il ~ ~nd M~y 3 meetings we~ read ~ pprov~. The ~llow~g bills we~ o~e~d paid: L.I.Traveler $27.~; C~ltfo~ 0il Co. ~6.95S ~s ~ $500.00 & 11.~; S-~"f.Fire & Police Eq~p.Co. 24.~6. Bids for fire wells to be const~cted were opened, as follows: Bid of Joseph J'Kretger~Inc.,Rlverhe~d,N.¥. Base Price Over 45 feet in depth $?.50 per ft. additional If more than 15 ft. of screen ,$26.00 per ft.additional Rate of $12.00 per hour for ch~:nging location of well. Bid ~ John H.Timmann, Riverhe~d,N.Y. Base Price $1380.00 Extra footage if necess~:~ry, $6.?5 Extra fOotage on stmainer, if necessary $26.00 R.~te of $9.00 per hour for changing loc~.tion of well. Certified check received from Xreiger $?5.00 Certified check from Ti~uann $69.00. ~otion was m~.~de, seconded ~.nd carrie{~ th~ the bid of Mr.Timmann be accepted. Chief Bittner presented the commtssl~.~ners With c~ses to hold their badges. The secrets, fy w~s instructe~ to write a letter of thanks to the M~.tituCk Fire Co, for On motion m~de, seconded ~nd carried ,the meeting was adjourned. D.R.Gtldersleeve, Sec.