HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/25/1957~INUTES OF MEETING OF CO~,~;~ISSIONERS OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, N.Y. march 25,1957. P resent: Commi s si oners Anrig, Penny, Reeve, T uthill, ~,~nd Price ~nd Treas.Oild~rsleeve and Chief ~iska. i~leeting held ~,t the firehouse, c~,lle: to order by Ch~.lrman ~nrig ~t ?.30 l~inutes~ of the last ~eet~ ng were read und ~pproved. The follo~,dng bills were ordered paid: .~;21.89; iI.Y.T lephone Co. $~:5.55,14.70, 7.15,~d ~4.2~; C~ ifo~ia 011 Go'. 11.23; L & L Fo~ ;~kt. 1.34;S~ise Oil St~-~. 151.27; ~ell Oil, 0o.35.~1; ~,V.Du~ee 263.~; L.I.Lt~ting 'Co. 2Z.03; Lo~is ~ 8.CC. ~ ' On motion m~de,seconded ~carried,the follo~ng Resolution was ~.dopted: Resolved,by the Boa~ of Fire of ~.Itt'ituck Fire District that D.R.Gilde~sleeve,~ec. & 'Peasurer be,~n d ~reby is authorized ~ dispose of reco~ items n~er lO,15,~6, a~ 18 on Reco~ds Disposition Request List i~ber ~-S~ issued pursu~ nt to section ll4 of the Re~lations of the C~ssioneP of EducatIon~ and be it furor Resolved,That the Clerk of this bo~ ~ be,~d hereby is,directe to ~ish a certified copy of this. Resolution to D.R.Gildersleeve,~eCreta~,~ ~ fo~a~ed to the Co~is~oner of Ed'~tion. On motion made,seconde~.~ ~,nd c~,rried the following Resolution was ~:dopted: Resolved by the Board of Fire CommisA oners of the ~;.:t tituck Fire District that the said Board desires insurance coverage to be applicable to their Volunteer Firemen under the new Volunteer Firemen~s Benefit "aw, ~nd be it fttrther Resolved,That this additional coverage be purchased. Ch~&f the officers of the several Fire Companies,~nd 'h'~d s~ressed the lm~:.ort~ce of ha~Ing the c~.ptains instruct their men more fully as to their duties. A motion was made,seconded andcar~i., d that $0 new helmets be Purchased-for use by the Fire Police~ ~.lso to purck~se a new port.~ ble pu~p, cost. of s~me to be .~p p~oximstely $500.00 ~ex~nissxon was gr~nted to Chief Aiska,on beh~lf of the Fire Co. to take a fi~.e truck to a demonstaration ~ t$'rsth.~ mpton Beach of May ' Motion was m~:~de,seconded ~nd c~rrie that the treas- urer be ,.: uthorized to pay the bill for new firehose when received,and discount same is .discount t'~as llowed. ~ Motion was m~:de ,seconde i ~,nd c$~,F~ied that ~ new Fire.' ~!:ells be constructed,one to be locate d in the ~asOn development near Mattit,~ck Creek, and one on the "Ole Jule" developing, hr. Notice of bids for sune to be publlsh~ in the L.I.Traveler~attituck Wat~h- m~::n, and in the News-Review. Specifications for wells to be the same ~ s those on~tructe,..~ £ast year. Bida to bei~ the hands of the Sec~et~,z-y on or before On motion made,seconde ~ tu~dc arried,the meeting was ad J ourned. D. R · Gilde rsleeve, ~ec ·