HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1957MINUTES OF ~[HX~[~H.~Z~X METING OF C(~MTBBIO~IgR.~ OF
Present.= commissioners Anrig, Penny,Reeve,Tuthill,and
Meeting called to order ,.t the firehouse :~t 7.50 P.M.,the
treasurer presldin~ £or the election of c chalmu~ for the year 1957.
a motion was made, seconded and carried that Otto L.A~ig
~ntinue ~e ch~lrm~n fop ~he year. There betn~ no other nOmtm, tions,
a ~ote set,ken ~/ M~o~i~ unan~mousl~ elected. B~ tf~e same procedtU'e
~eOP~e L,Penn~ was elected vice-ch~lrm~n for the
Mr.Anrtg took the ch~tr. The reacl~ng of the prevtou~
m~nutee was waived until the regular J~naa~ymeotlng.
The Commissioners voted iD ~ point Donald RoGtlderlseve
secretary for the yes/' 19~7 at ~ sala~ of $300.00 per
The treasurer's ~mlual:financial r~port for th~
wee ~ead and approved. The ~epo~t showed ~ b~lance of $2005e73 in the
l~la~ aco~Unto A motion was mede,seconded and carried t~at the
folloWin~ reeolutionbe adopt,dj Re~vea~th~t the =-~ sum of tlO00oO0
of this balance be deposited in the Capital neser~e Fund fo~
and that $1000.00 of the s~ne balance be deposited in the C~pital
Reserve Fund fop ~, Firehouse°
The treastu~er~s Annual la, port of Receipts and"DlsbU~se-
~nte was read and ~proved~the report being as follows= K~.CFIPTS:
Town fo Southodl $21857o~l,lnsu~snce Refund 69.85;Rent~,1~'60oOO.Int-
er, st 2~4.73,~i~e Truck sold 155.00,~eoux-Xt~ Deposits on Bide
DI~B~R3BME~TS.~alarles and ~ages $~020.O0,~atntensnce and ~epalr
(bldga. & ~qu~p) 2481.?~ Light & ~eat 1009.~4 ,Insurance 1464.77,
Frint~ 156o46~hone 402.~,Frem~t~n on Treas.~Bond 15.00,Hefan~ of
~o?u~l~ D~poel~s 387o~,Flremen,s ~elfa~e 300.90,Mlscellsneous~51.60°
~a~ ece~pte ~2279~/34. TOTAL I~I~BURSEIE:NT8 $16888.94,
A motion was made seconded and carried that It be r~solved
that the avl'th Fork B~nk & Trust Co be named the depositor~ for the
Fire Dietrlotms monies for the year 1967. '
Glens ~11e In~.Co. Bond ~01613 dated J~n.1,1957,
Amount $4000.00, P~nclpal Donald RoGlldereleeve,~reaeu~er;was
az.~Fove,l.and sl~ned b~ the oom~e~ on, rs. .'
The folloJn~ bills were oz~lered psi*=L.I.Llghttng C~.
$9.XT~.P.Tut~IX l14.75~L.S.Reev~lS.00,451.OO,& 476.74;Assn. Fl~e
Dls~s.~tate of ~.Y. 20.O0;$unrise Oil ~ta.74.02~.Y.Telephone
2~e~,?.9~,2.40,& 24.25, W.¥.Duryee 5.04.
Motion was mede, seconded andc ~rried that 24 plastic hel-
met, be purchased, Chief Miok~ being ~uthO~zed to order same. '
Me,ion was made seconded andc arried that ~he Chief
Enginee~ be notified when the ommlesioners were to meet.
Onmotion made,seconded and carried the meeting w~e