HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/02/1958MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. Ja~.2,1958. aI~UAL OBG NIZ~TION ~EETING. G~lderslee~e. T~eaa. · Me~t~ng was held ~:~.t t~e fZrehouse,c~lled ~ orde~ b~ ~.Gllde~aleeve at 7.3~ P.~. The treasu~ [cted ma chs~an for the election ~ chai~ ~ v~ce-chel~. Mr. An~i~ was nominuted for s~ t~ be~ no other, n~i~tZons,nominations we~ cloaed, a~ Oh"motion m~de, seco~e~i ~nd carried,the sec~t~.~ c~,st one.,bsllot fo~ h~. B~ the s~e p~cedure,Geor~ L.Pe~y was nominsted elected vice-chai~n. gr.~g p~sided for t~e ~emuin6er of the meeting. On motion m~. de,seconded ~nd m~rried Donald R.Gildersleeve ~as ~ppoint- ed secret,~ry for the year 1958, ~t ~:~ s~l~ry of $300.00 per year. The treas,~rer's ~nnuel fin~nci~l report was read a~ anproveds ~so the tre~su~rls ,~_~ual re$~ort of receipt,s ~ d~bursg~nts '~e.~ ~v~s Fe~d and .pp~ved, The ~tteF repoFt was as followers= '~ 1~57 Bece[pts~ To~ of, ~outhold $2~212.81; Integer 554.09;3ecu~ity deposit on b~d~69.U0. Kef~d (0ve~&~ent o~ secu~lt~ Disbgrs~nts 1957 t 3alum[es ~ ~us $1020.00;~slnten~nce Bep~ (Bld~s. & E4u[P,) ~45.17; Li~t & ~e~t 896.22; I~sur~nce 1~44'32; Pr[ntin~ 176.1~; Telephone 716.62; P~em.on Treas'.Bond Dues to ~.~.~tate seen.of F~e D~sta. (2 y~s) 40.~; Bef~d of se~=it~ deposit 79.00; ~n[fo~s 412.~; Miscellaneous P~cA~,se ~ apparatus & E.~ui~nt (Incl~ing 1795.O0 fo~ fi~ Wells.) ~35.~9. Tot~ ~1~5.67. On motion made, seconded and c =tried, the follo~ing resolution ,~al ~.dopted~"~esolved, th~:t the Fire District monies be in the NOrth Fork Bank & '&rust Co~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ depositea Glens F~lla Bo~ //741~8,~o~t S4000.O0,Don~ R.Gilde~alee~e,Treaa. Principal,was app~ved ~ si~e~ by the ~is~onerspresent. The treaaurer~roduced ~11 books ~nd records re4uire~ by l~..~%ar~ same were ~ck/nowledged by the commissioners. The following bills were ordered p~id:Firemen's ~.~ssn.,State.of N.X. $4.00; ~e Ho~ ~.Reeve 15.oo;~¥[h~ryee 5.27; ~idne~ P.Tuthill 114.75. Motion was made,seconded ~nd c~.rried 'that of theb~l~:noe of $2943.54 shown in the annu~.~l financial report,the sum of $2W00.00 be deposited in the C~pttal Reserve Fund for ~pparatus. Motion w&e made,seconded and oemrie:~ that a 3cott Air Pack be pur~h~:eed. Motion made, seconded and carried thct 500 feet of 2 1/2 inch fire hose be purc~hased, cost not to exceed $1000.00. On motion made, seconded ~:~nd o~rried~the meeting ~as adJour ned. D. R. Gild e r~l~ eve, Sec.