HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/25/19580 ~ ~ ~ MATTITUCK Frll~ ~TRICT MATTITUC~. I-ON~'~g~. N. Y. ~/~19~8. P~eoont8 O~milsl~aore Amd.~,Penny,ReevooTuthlll,aud ILA~iJO~ ~ T~oaaoOlldo~tloevo. Minutes of tho Juno 50 meting were read and ~pp~OVOdo · The £Ollowlns bXXXO vo~o or~or~d paid: Jos.MoX~ ~.Mj I.~.blo~ Ce. 25.9~ & 8.401 ~.V.~o ~anle~ ~.74i ~ 011 Co. 18.17; O~l/fO~a 011 ~1~ Station 3.18~ ~ R~ 8be~ 12.~; D.R.~lldereloeve 06~i Re~. ~11 lg. O0; LX.Lt~$ 0o. ~.69; L ~ L ~ ~.~.~ I Mototo~ On mot/on mado. ee~ondod and espied)the £ollowlng r®aoXutlon wGe adopted "Reeolvedpthatowlng to building, tho O&pltal Ree®r~o F~d for fl new Fireh~se f~ ~e fo~Z~ ostablt~e~ ~t of $~.~to a new ~t of S~,0~.~". ~,e seo~t,,~ vae lne~oted to ~ve ~t~. ~1II1~ ~1~ d~e up ~e neoeo8~ leg~ nottoo to be publls~d ~ ~ L.I.T:'~Le~attltuek On motlon mado,aeoonded and oarrlod, the £ollowin~ adopted for the year 1959~ Pl~ae of Apperatus & Kqulp~eat ilaintensnoe & Repal~p, & R~O O~to~tl~ for Yl~ ~ok Tot ,1 Less ~stimstod ~eoetpts Tot,,1 ~mount to be l~tsed $ 1200.00 4000.00 3000.00 ZO00oO0 2000.OQ 5000°00 400Oe00 ~[~8sO00.O0 ~00°00 $27,?00.00 Motion vel made,seooinded aildoarried that a prop- tO, ~Lmo the .bore ~uou nt by m be submitted to tho tax- of the Fire Dlat~Aot at a 8peola~' ~eetin~ to beheld at tho FtI~ on Au~.14~lg~8,pollo to be op~ fl~lm 7 P.M. to 10 Pelf., tho notice of suc~ meting bo publlood in the Tr~vele~- Jfotima mado,eeoonded ardi e~arzied that 8oreon b~.~ ~m~ll-ed ~t ~ut ~ west er, I;z,emoes to the .t'lrehouee~ aeetlnS was ~dJotumed, on motion mude, eeoonded