HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/26/1958 MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT
Present: Cor~missioners Anrig, Pehny,~,nd Price,~:nd
T~eas .Gi~ e m sleeve.
M~eting held ~t the firehouse,c~lled to order by Chalrm~n
8.30 P. ~.
Minutes of the Aug. i 9 meeting were r~ad ~.~nd ~.pproved.
The follo~ing bills ~er~ o~/er~d pa~d: Shell Oil.Co. ~ 31.82;
nee Div. of Sterling P~ecimion Co. 121.91; J~.Y.Tel~phone
25.~,; Jos.~ois~ 70.41; Firemen's Ass-,St~te of N.Y. ~'~ -~'
]~.i.Tr~veleP 9.60; No.~$-~eview Pub.Co~). loeb; L.I.Ll~ting Co.
Oil Co. ~.69; H.E.Lin~$~y,P.. Z.O0; Ed. Ta~oF ~.~.
The s~c~t~y ~eported th ~t it h:-~d been culle~ tO his
~ttentlon th~ a~y before the meeting, th~ t an error h~-~c~ been m~.ae by
~m.~ic~~ ~ dr~ing up the ~~x fire well b~d specificatio~,
in ~at they h~,d not specified "Gr~vel-p~cked" wells. ~ motion
made, seconUed ~dc ~rri~ th~ t ~-:11 bids be retu~un.~d to the bidders
~'it~ co~'roctea 3pecific=ttons,new bids to be ~ sXed fo~,to be opened
,-~t ~ special co~m~ssioner's ~eting to bo held Ocr.lO ~t ~.~0 P.M.
tAotion ~;as made,seeonde~ ~..,nd carried thut bids fOr fuel
oil ~)r the firehousebe ~sked for smpply from 0ct'10,1958 to 06t.lO,
19~9. These bids to be opened ~-,t ta~ ~.~ting on Oct.lO.
Raymond iQine,~u~_m~ 18 yrs.,was ~poroVed as ~ m~nber of
th~ ~ia~tituck Fire Company. Perl~Ission of his mother,~uth ~:~ine~4 s
received with the applica~ion,~nd h~s been pl ~ce on file..
~otion m~.de,seeonded ~ud c~.rried th~.t ,f, UO fe~-t of one-
inch booster line be punch, sod.
~'~otlon m~de,seconded ~nd a~rried that a vacuum cleaner
be purch~.~se~.
~eeting :~aa adjourned,on motion m,~de, seconded ~nd ~
D.R.Gil~d~s~leeve, $e~.