HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/10/1958· ~I~TES OF ~EETI~G OF GO~ISSIO~EBS OF
~Pres~nt~ Com~issioners ~nrig,~eeve,Penn~,~nd. P£ice,~nd Treas.
Meeting aae o~lled to order ut the firehouse ~t 7.30 ?.~.,by Ch~i~-
man ~rig, who asked for the opening of fire well bids.
Bids were ae follows:
M~tllXes bell & Pump Co.,lnc.,Lindenh~urst,N.~. $1,272,0o each well.
$11.00 per foot for ~dditional depth. Hourly r~te charge of $1o.50
per hour for time involve.~ relocating wells. ~ddition~l strainer (if
required) $25.00 per foot. Gert.Check enclosed $13o.00
R:ymond Z~mber, Riverhe~d,N.¥. $1187.00 each ~ell. ~?.oO per foot'for
additional depth//$24.50 per £oot for any greater length of str~iner.
Oe~t. Chec~ enclosed $110.00
O.~.Lau~mn & Go.,Be~hpage,NX. $2546.00 e~ch well. $1~.00 per foot
for ~dditional depth. Gert.Check enclosed $1;~O.bO
Joseph J?Ereiger, Inw.,Riverhe~.,d,~.¥. $2500.00 each well. $9.50 per
foot for additional depth. ~26.00 per foot fo~ more th~n 20 foot of
screen. Gert. Check enclosed $150.00 '~
~otion was ma~e,seconded ~nd c~rried that the bid of R ymond Z~,mber
b~ accepte~,a~ contract ~'~ed to h~.
Mr.~g ~en ask~ for ~pen~ of bide for ~el oil supply.
Bids ~e~ ~s follows:
Eckert ~il Se~ice,lnc.,M~tituc~,N.Y. $.13~ p~r g~.l~on
S~rise Oil S[~ion "
~ motion was m~de,soconded ~nd c~rrted that a decision in ~v~rdtng
the oil suppl2 ,in view of t~o identical bids,be held over until 'the
OcteB1 meeting;and that Oh~irmtn An~tg interview representatives of
the two lowest bidders :.~nd try to ~rrange ~ sstisfsctor~method of
~i~utes of the 8ept.~6 meetin~ wel~ re~d ~nd ap;roved.
~he fo~owingbills were ordered p,id~ N.¥.Telephone Co. ~S4.bS; L~
Roy S.I{eeve--'43.63,.Reg. H.Tuthill 3.50; D.R.Gildersleeve 2.84; L.I.
Lighting Co. 28~81, 8hell Oil Co. 9.6Z; C~l~for~i~: Oil Co. 6.48.
D.R. Glldersleeve, Bec.