HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/29/1958MATTITUCK I-IRE UISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, N. Y. AU~.29~.1958. Present-' 0o,m~tssioners .~nr-tS, Eeeve,Tuthill end Pr'ice ~nd Treao.Gtlde~sleeve. Meeting held ~t the firehouse,called to exeter by Ch-ir- m~n Anrlg ~,t ?.~5 P.M. Mlnutos of the September me,ting were read and ~,pproved. The following bills ~,~e orde~e~ P~id:Jos.Molsa $107.40, ;~.C.Gr~bie 3.00j Ch.~s.~lska 3.70;C, liforni~ ~X1 Co.l$e39; N.Y.Telephone ~o. 25.50 & 38,3~; L:,lter Courts 5.00; Clifford Polhemus ~ ins 5.00; ~.V.Duryee 9.65~ Shell 0il Co. 18.81; L.I.Traveler 11.59, 7.50 & 1~.75, ~nerican ~a ~,ance Div. of Sterling Precision 4oais Dohm The secret~ry reported on the Special Meeting held sug. lA to vote the 1~59 budget. Total votes c~st 42. Xes SS,Bo 2,¥oid On motion made,secOnded ~nd carried, the following R~solution was adoptedl R~solved thst the sma of $5.~ bo p~id to e-ch of the Inspectors of Blectlon, Clifford ~Olhemus,~nd ~ geo,H.ai~e for their sexwices on ~ug.14. The secret[fy reported ~ co~,munteation f~om Attorney ;:tlltam '~,,lckham. Mr.i;iokham ~O~te th,t he had checked ~o Sorrel M~- oip~l L,w, Section 6 G ,~d c~ot f~d that it is necesa~ to ad~ttse ir, creaming the Caplt~l Rese~e f~; He fines no~tng to Indicate th~ ~e is no~ ~ l~it to t~ mo~t th~ can ~ put lx~to the f~ ~d ~ha~ it is ~s opinion ~ t ~y ~ges ~ the ~mo~t ~ ~~a~~ ~d not be subject to ~ pe~ssive referer, d~. The~fore~he wo~d ~ot be in~ inca to ~ge the ~o~t fo~ls. Mr. ;~lc~s letter is atta~ed hereto. ~otion ~as made,seconde and carried th~.t 2 new Fire ,,ella be installed,one of ~hlch is to be located in the locality kno~m as Shore Acres,the other no~r ~m~ what is known ,~a "Lipco Street". Oo~Lt. sstoner A~win Tuthill was t. ppolnted to select the locations. The seOret~l"y ~as ~structeA to have Atty.hllliam ~lckh~m h~ve the ~dvertisements for bide published in the News-~eview end the Tr: veler- V~ztch~an, and to draw up the epeoificztio~s, hells are both to be gravel-pecked, strainers 20 foot. Bids to be ir the h~nds of the seere- tal-y on or before 7.30 P.M. Sept.26,1~$$.,at ~&eh time they sro to be opened. Motio~nade,secOnde~,~,nd carried th,:t the ch~,i~n;:n act aa s committee to h~ ye 8 new fluorescent lights lnst~ lled in the dini:!g room; else to have the kitchen thoroughly clef.ned. Motion m~4e,seconded,and espied th~.t 3 sirens be pur- chased for use on the ~utos of the chief ,~nd the t'~o ~ssist~nt chiefs. ~eeting was ,.dJourned,on motion m~de,seconll~d and c~rx'ted. D.R.Gildersleeve,Seo.