HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/26/1958Mli~U.TE8 OF L~EaTIi/G OF 002.~.IdI~$I~14: ~ OF THE
[~t~,a. TT[T{JCK ~'[l~[g DISTi~ICT
Deo.26,19~8· Present: Co.-,~ssioners Anrig,Reeve,Tuthill~ and Prioe,
and Treas.Glldersleeve o
Meeting vms held ~,t the Cl~ehouse,called to o~er
Minutes of t~ ~ove~er meet~g :~re read ~ app~ved.
The follo.:~ing bills ,vere ord red ps-id.' '~:alter Dol~n $28.00,
Ftrements ~SS~,STate of AN.¥. 4.00; E~stern Fire Appar~..tus,Inc.
J.R.~awkins 163.00; OL if.Oil Co. 1.~; B.P,~thlll ll4.?8;N.Y.Telephone'
Co. 25.~ ~ ;:.4.35; ~ Roy 8.Reeve 15.00;3hell Oil Co. l~.lS;L.I.Traveler
8.36;~',alter Coutts b.oO; Geo.H.Nlne 5.~; Mart~ Surer ~.O0; Assn. of
Fire Dista.St~te of 2.X. ~o.O0;R~o~ Z~:mber 2444.(~ ; ~os.Molaa 607.82;
S~folk Fire ~ Aollce E.tulp.Oo. 995.00, 4~.00~ 269.29,~d 101.~.
checK,~nd S~f.F m P ohecK for 101.~ (C21i~ers) to be held ~til ~ells
we~ ap~,~ nd t~s received·
Motion ~as mude,sec~ded ~Mcarriod th: t one ~ ~M I~h~.l-
ator be purchased.
~ response to a ~quest from the ;~i, tti~ck Fi~ O~pan2
It was mo~ed~seconded ~c~rriea th,. t a letter f~m the ~$.~ of C~ssion-
ers be .ritten to t~e Comply st ting that ~bers of ~other fire dep~rt-
~t wising to beco~ me.ers of t~ M~ ti~ck Fi~ Depnrtment~lf accepte~
be pl< ce. on probation(,~ period of one year. T~ secret~ was lnst~ct-
ed to write the latter.
The dute ~as set for the ~,nnual organiz~ tion meeting for
1959, e~ld meeting to be held J,,nuary 5,1959,at 7 P.,~.
On motion m~de,seconded ~ carried, the meeting
D.R.Glldersle eve, Sec.