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HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/28/1958OP MEETING OF CO~MI3SIO~ER8 OF THE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLANID. N. Y. NOV.28,1958. Present: C~w~tasioners Anrig, Prioe ami Tuthill,~nd Treas. OIldersleeve ยท Meeting held ~t ~he fi~hoase,c~ lled to o~er by Ch~i~ ~rig ~t 7.30 P.M. Minutes of tbs Oc~r meeting were ~ ~nd ~pp~ved. ~e follo~ ~g bills we~ o~e~d p~id: Jos.Moisa $44,80; Ca,lo,ia Oil Co. ll.62;N.Y.Telepho~e Co. 25.~; Oil Sta. 67.55; Shell Oil Co. X?.~ Moto~la 0 & E,Inc. 15.82, 15.82 & 7.91~ L.I.LX~t~g Co. 32.52~ ~uis ~ 19.55 & ~feFi~ & Police Equip.Co. Bil~ for ~oster Line,when received. Motion ~e,se~ed ~ c~rried th~ Geo.T~ 21or ~ given pe~tssion ~ Xower the fX~ well on ~;estp~a Ro~d- Motion was made~seco~ed , ndc~rried that 8 "Fl~e Zone- No Parkl~ si~s be pu~hased. ' Motion ~as m~ de,seco~od ~dc~rried that 4 ~w tl~ be p~ch~sed for the ~o.2 p~peP. Motion '~as ~de~seconded ~carrie~ that 2 dozen M~rtin Suter,Geo.~.~i~ ~ ~alter Courts we~ a[~,po~ted to' se~e ~ inspectors of t~ ~u~ election to be he~ fo[lo~ ~solut~on was adopted ,on motion made,sea.ed "Resolved~at the ins~otors of election ae~ving on Deo.2,19~,be On motion ~de,se~ed a~G~:rrie: ,t~ mee~ng was