HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/18/1959~INUTES OF ~EETING OF O0~ISSIONE~ OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. Dec .18,1959. PRESE~Tt Commissions rs An~lg, Penny, Reeve,Tuthill, and Tress Gllde~aleeve. The meeting was held ~ t~ firehouse,calls,: to ord~r ~y Chai~ ~nrig at 7.30 P.M. ~l, utes of the ~ov.2~ meeting were read ~ appr~ed. The followi~ ~ills were o~ered paid~ Le Roy S.Reeve $15.00; L.I.Tr~veler 1~.00~ Motorola O.&.E.,Ine. 17.07; Reeve 4~ber W.W.Oo. 1.74~ H~ptons Fi~ App.Oo. 87.65.~ S.P.~thill 114.75~ Assn. of Fi~ Dist~.~S~ate of ~.Y. 20.00~ N.Y.Telephone Co.34.60 · 25.~ Jos.Molaa 295.06~ E~st Coast Well Drilling & S~pply Co. $~O0.~,thia be paid fr~ C~pit~ ~se~e ~ for Fire Wella,c~ok ~ be held in escrow ~til work ie comp~te~ ~d ~p~ved. The secreta~ ~ported on the ~ual election held on Dec.1. ~8 votes were cast,of w~ch 184 were fo~ C~rles Miska, 104 for He~y Tyle~,~.~ 20 void. ~ Mr.Mlska was declared elected. Motion was made,seoo~ed and c ar~ie~ that a boo~ rack be purchased ~,~ inst~lled on t~ ~o.3 p~per. ;,;orion was ms:de~seco~ed ~nd c artiest that t~ lr~igation s2stems ~ Jos.Z~oski~ton K~pski ~:,nd All2n ~thill be winterized in o~e~ that they ~y ~ use ~ the Yi~ Depavtment,~ ~hat the persons nsmed above be paid $25.00 ea~ fop this aspics. T~e ;vas ~e~s~ George L.Pe~y~e last meeting ~ after twent2-five yea~s of service as Fi~e Co~is~one~. A motion was made,seconds ~d carried that ~esolttions ~ dva~ up ~ p~s~ted at the next meeti~ exp~esing appreciation of his valued ~d faith- f~ se~i~e In th~s c~paeity. ;.~ (1960)J~n.$ was appointed as t~ date for t~ ~ nual org~zation meeting, at ~i~ t~: such other business ~ to be ~ucted aa ~2 properly e~e befo~ ~the mee~ ~. ~ On ~tion made,seco~ed ~ csrried,the meet~g was adJoU~ed. D.R.Gildersleeve, ~.