HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/23/1959MEETIi~G OF O0~MISSIOl~'BES OF THE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. 1~ov.23,1959. ~resent~ Comn~ssio~rs Anrlg, Eeeve,Tuthtll,~nd Price,and Tress. Gildersl eeve. Meeting held at the firehouse,c,lle to order by Ch~i~nan a~rig at 7.~ P.M. ~lnutes of the October meeting were read The follo~ing bills were o~e~d pi~idt ~.Y.Telephone go. $34.35 & z5~95~ ~.V.~ee 1~.35; L.I.Traveler 8.36~ L.I. Li~ting Co. 3~.331 M~tin Suter, W(:lte~ Courts ~deeorge Nine $5.00 each. M r~in 3uter,W~ter Courts ~nd George ~ine were a0pointed to se~e ~:~e inspectors of election on December 1. The follo~ving ~solution was adopted,on motion m~de,seconded ,nd carried~ Resolved,th~.~t the inspectors of election on Dec.1 be paid ~5.00 each for their se~iees,and that the pa~n~ of $~e be app~ved at this meeting. The secreta~ was inst~cted to order 400 ballots for the election,printed with ~ n~es of He~ Tyler :~nd Oh~'.rles Miska, for w~m petitions h~d been filed with the secret~ for ~he office of Fire Dis~ric~ Co~is~oner. On motion made, seconded ~ c arried~ the meeting D. R. Gilds rsleeve, Sec,