HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/30/1959~INUTES OF MEETING OF COr~MI$SIOHERS OF MAT'I'iTUCK FiRE DiSTRiCT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. O~ .50,1959. PresentlCo_~m~ ssioners Anrig, PennY,Reeve,Tuthill, ~nd Price, ~nd Treas.Gildersleeve. Meeting was held .~.t the firehouse,c~-,ll.ed to or,er b~ Chairman ~nrig ~t 7,3~i~ P.M. minutes of the Aug.28 meeting ,.~nd the ~ept.18 meeting were read and approved. The follo~ ng bills were ad~ ordered p~id~ N~T.Tclephone Cp. ~35.~5 & 25.50~ Joe Deerkoski 185.00~Mo~orola 0 & :-:,Xne. 17.07 & 17.07~ Fire End Products 1950.O0;::alifo~nia Oil 0o. 6.Sl~¥¥.V.D.~yee 45.4~ ~ Roy S.Reeve A3.65~L.I.LX~ti~ Co. 28.92; Sh~ll Oil Co. 5.89~ M~ttltuck Xron Works 5.o0l Jos.Molaa 298.28~Louts Dobm 153.09 & 21.95. E~ception; Check for Joe Deerkoski to be witheld ~t&l trop~ cabinet is s~:tisfactoril2 completed. Report of fire inspection of L,urel ~chool C~!ef Haas,~nd placed on file. On mo~ion m~de,seco~ed r~nd on,tied, the following ~sol- ution w~s adopted t Re solved that the secret,~.~ of the M~ titu~ Fire Dist,& be,~-d he,by is ~:~ut~oized to dispose of reco~ items n~bers 7-22-26- 38-67-41 on Reco~s Disposition List No.l,issue~'~ pursu~nt to section 114 of the Re~tions of the C~issioner of Ed~cation, a~ be it fu~her Resolve~ th~.t the clerk ofthis boa~ be,~d ~reb~ ia,direc~ed to fur~sh a certified copy of t~s resolution to D.R.Gilderaleeve,secret~-ry to be fo~rde~ to the Oo~ssioner of Ed~ cation. ..- The ~secret~2 was ~hori~ed to publish the r. dvertisement ~or the ~nu~ fi~ district eleetion in the L.I.Travele~M~tituck ~n, sa~ election ~ be he~ Tuesday,Dec,l,1959,from 7 P.M. to 10 9.M., one co,isA oners t° be elected in the place of George L.Penny,whose te~ expl~s ~c.5lSt. Th~ ~eting was adJou~ed,on motlon.msde~seco~ed ~ndc~.~ tied. D.R.Gildersleeve ~ Sec.