HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/18/1959~II~UTB~ OF ~F...T~'I~G OF CO~IMI~IONERS OF MAtTItUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATtITUCK. LONG ISLAND, N.Y. Sept .18,1959. Present: Cozsatssloners Anrig, Penn~,Heeve, and Tuthill, ax~ Treas .Glldersleeve. ~eetlng held at the firehouse, called to order by C~air- m~-n Anrig at 7.30 P.M. On motion made,seco_~__4e and c~rrled,the reading of the Augst meeting were dispensed with until a leter meeting. The chairman aske for the fire well bids to be opened. Two bids were received, as follows: Joseph J.Kreiger, In¢.,Riverhead,N.Y. ~088.00 fo.~ fire wells. Cha.r.~ for depth over 4$ feet,$8.~O per foot. Charge for changing l°cation,$12.~O per hour. Charge for screen over 20 feet, $2~.00 per foot. Check enclosed $280.00. East Coast Well Drilling & Supply Co.,Riverhead,N.Y. Four wells at $11~0 each. ~oving one we~l $800.00. To~al $~100.00. Charge for ext depth $?.00 per foot. Oharge for extra length of strainer $24.~0 per foot. Charge for changing location $10.00 per hour. The Travelers Indemnity Co. Bond ~782562-4 enclosed. ~otion was made,seconded an~ carried that the bi ~ of East Coast ~;~ell Drilling = Supply Co. be accepted and ontract awarded. The following bills were ordered p~-~di: Shell Oil $2~.4E; N.¥.Telephone Co. ~$.18 & 25.80; L.I.Lighttng Co. ~Z.2~$ W.V. Du~yee 1.$8; J.R.H~wkins ~?.EO; ~ews-Review Pub.Co. ~0.00; L.I.Traveler 2.$$; F.D.Prod%cts. 60.00; Calif. Oil Co. 18.~2; North Fork Oil Heat 25~; ~ tituck ~sso Service Center 1~.06 & 20.05. Motion made,seconde ~ and c~rried that Chief John Haas and Assr.Chiefs Richard Olmsteo and Walter Dohm be ~ppointed to the Fire ~olice. The meeting was ~dJourned,on mo~ion made, seconded and carried.