HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/17/1959MII~]TES OF MEETING OF COMMISSIONERS OF ~)ONA~O R. GILDERS~EEVE MATTITUCK, N. Y. ~uly 17,1959, PRESENT: C0~MISSIONERS ANRIG,PENNY, REEVE,T UTHILL AND PRICE. Meeting held at the flrehouse,c~lle,~ to orde Chairman Anrig at 7~40 Minutes of t~e June 26 meetin~ were read snd ~pp~o~ved. %he following bills were ordered p~id~ R~::2mond Zamber $1137.00; Califo~nia 0il Co. 8. 98; N .][.Telephone ~o. 34.?O;Reg.H.Tuthill 3.50;Shell Oil Co. ~1.96; The Seagrave Corp. L.X.Produce & Fertz.Co. 41.61;Hsmptons Fire Equip.Co. 49.78. at the east end ~f the firehouse be repaired to prevent leaks. ~o~ion was marlo,seconded ~nde ~r~ied that 200 copies of Suffolk County Fire Departments R~dio Signals~ be printed. The fsi&owing lr~dget fo~. the ~ear 19~0 ~as adopted, on motion macLe, seconded an~ carrie~ ~ ~alaries & ~ageo $1200.00 Pu.z~b.~8o of Apparatus & Equipment 4000.00 ~intenance & Repair & Equip. 3000.00 pair [ App. ~ aint enance& Buildln6s ~0.00 Fire ~ells 3000,00 Insurance 2000.00 Uniforms 500.00 Radio Oonm~maicatton for Fire Trucks 2000.00 Capital Reserve Fund for Firehouse 5000.00 Capital Reserve Fund for Apparatus Riscell~neous 4ooq, oo ~_~...~~.~00. O0 ) Less Estimated eoeli~ts ~00.00 Total amoun~ to be raised ~27,?00,00 ~otion was made,~econdod and oarrleJ that ~ proposition to raise the above amount by tax be ~tbmltted to the qualified~taxpayers 9f the Fire District at a Special Meeting ~o be hold at the firehouse on ~ug,//,1959~polls to be open~ from ? P.M. to l0 P.M.,~th~ the notice of such meetin~be published in the L.I.Travoler-Mattitu~k Wateh- ~otion .was mado, seoonde~ ~nd carried that~t~ treas- urer be autAorized to transfer the sum of $7()00.00,£rom the~Oapital Reserve Fund fora Firehouse to ~t~w O~pital Reserve ~'und for Fi.~re ~ells, newlyestablise&e~. Motion was made,seconded and c a~rled th~ the su~of $1563.o0 be transferred f~om the e~ck account, to the Capital Reserve Fund for Fire ~ells,this being the balance left in the amount approp- riated fe Fire Wells in tl~ 1959 budget ~ ($~000.O0) after paying a bill for fire well ~epatrs in the amount of $1137.00. SHEET MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, N.Y. July 17,1959 (Contfnue~l; ~otion was m~e,second d and ~ carried that a ~ropositlon to ~mmtx use the ~ney now deposited in the C pital Reserve Fund for Fire Wells for the inst~ll~'~t of new Fire ~lls ~ the repair of certain old Fire bells tn the Fi~ District in . t~ year 1989, s~d ex~,e~itu~s not to exceed ~;~63.00; also that this t~position be eu~tted to the qualified t~p,~yers of the Fire District at the heretofo~ ~peci~ ~.leeting on ~1,ug.~/,1959. ~[otlon ~vas m~e seco~Med md c~rried that Cllffo~ Polhemue,~eorge H.Mine,~d ~lter Coutts be ~ points5 inspectors at the Special ;~;eeting on ,lug.//~ ;;otion nmde, seconded a~ d carrie: th~ tho ~ll..~w~g ~solution be mdopte,[: Resolved, theft tl~e inspectors of el ction on Aug. be p~.id t~ s~ of ~;5.~ each for their services. ;~otton ..~$ m~e,seconded a~ carried that 1000 fSet of 2 1/2 inch Dac~n, double Jacket fire hose,'.~th ~ass couplings, N.Y.Co~.Thre~,be pu~chased,~d th~ bids be advertts~ for s~e in the Travele~[~: tc~,said bids to be receive::, by the sec~ta~ on or before 7.30 P.~. aug. ES,1959, at ~ i& tllne they are to be opened. The sites of new fire wells ~d location of those ~ be rep~ ire. are to be selected by the Chief ~nd asstet~ts ~ sub, t- tod ~ t the ~u~st meeting. 0n motion m~e,aeconde~. ~ carried, the meeting was adJo~e~i. D. i{. Gilde rs leeve, Sec. The secretary '.'~'as inst~ucted to h~:~ve Atty.'i~illism {'~ickh um publia~ the re..~uired notices for the special meeting, bids for hose,~.~lso to draw up specifications for t~ hose.