HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/26/1959~I~40TES OF ~:,AETI~G OF C0~,~iiSSI0~ERS OF ~v~TTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT. ~o. tt i tucks, N .Y. June26,19~9. Present: Commissioners Anrig, Penny, Reeve,Tuthill, and Price, and Treas.Gildersleeve. Meeting held at the firehouse,c~lled to order by Chair~an ~D~ig ~t 7.45 P.~i. ~inutes of the ~y 29 meet~g ~ere. re~d a~ ~ p~ve~.. The following bills ~ere ordered p~ id: ~.Y.Telephone Co. ~J~B~.~; The Seagrave Corp. 7~.90, Calif.0il Co. 8.~,~.~.Duryee ~8.18; L.I.Lig~ing Co. ~8.90;Reg. H.Tuthill ~.80;L.I.Traveler ~otorola C.~ E.,Inc. 88.00,18.S~ ~ 1~.O7; Abe ~rown ~9.~;Geo.A.~c C ~ rthy ~0. O0. ~ The secreta~ reported on a con ference With ~tty.~illl~ in rega~ to the fire well situation,which resulted in ~ agreement that it would seem advisible to hold a referend~ submitting aproposition to the qualified voters of the Fire District asXing ~e~ission ~ spe~ the ~o~t ~h woulm be deposited in the Fire bells Fund~t t~e s~e ti~e me~mgx~exz s~bmitting tho Fire District Budget for 1980 to the voters (t~o propositions). ~roviding there was no petition ~inst same,the Fire ~ell F~d,first published J~ue B,~ould be est~ blished on July EOth. Bids for new fire wells ~ repairs and improvements to old wells,'~r. ~ic~m advised, could be aske~ at any time,subject,if necessa~,to the above ~entioned referenda. ~ ~otion was made,se~nded a~ndc ~'rrie~ that these reco'~endations be carrie~ out. · otion was mado, seconded a~c~rrie~ t~at thenext mee~ng be h~d on Friday, July l~th,~ ~Ich time the 1980 budget be drawn up,~nd t~ · ~exme~s location of fire we~s be ~nsidered. ~otion was made,seconded an~ carrie that the chai~u~ n look into the matter of ~urchasing a new flag pole. The secreta~ was tnst~cte~ to write ~ letter ~ the ~ti~ck Fire Co. complimenting the~ on the f~e appearance of men ~nd a~paratus ~ t th~ .~emorl~l D~ y parade. 0n motion made, seconde ~ ~d carried, the meeting ~as adjourned. D.E. G~l~de~/w~e eve~ Sec.