HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/29/1959MATTITUCK ISTRICT MATtITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N.Y. May 29,1959ooPresent: Commissioners Au~lg, Tuthtll, and PrXee,a~d Tress O~ldersleeve Meeting was held at the firehouse, cA led to order by Ch~irman Anrtg at 7.40 P.M. . Minutes Ofthe April 10 meeting and April 24 meeting~wer~ read a~d approved.. ' ?he follO~n~ bills were ordered psld: Post Office Dept. $4~.40; Motorola C.&,E.,Inc. $7.91 & $1209.00; ~unAoipal Maehiner~ Co. 61.~O;Oal~f. Oil ~o. 4.0~; N.Y.?elephone ~o. ~4.~0 & 25.50; ~e L & L Food ~!kt. 5.75; 3ta~dar~ R~llway Fuses 00.45.85; Joe.Moles 4~.60; L.I.Tra¥oler,5.~3~ Sun.lee Oil S~a. 11.50; North Fork ~ll Heat 85.69; L.I.hi~t~nm ~ Oil Co. 5.~; ~ R~-~;; 31.71;Fire E~ ~'~ucts 67.86; ~ell - ~ .... 5,00; Moto~la 7.91; ~e Fyr ~te~ O0. 75.71; ~uis Do~ ~2.2~5; 8~.Fire & ~oliee Eq~p Co. ~.7~; & ~omas 105. ~ & '~6,~. ._ 0omm~.a.s~one_r Tuthill reported that 2 t~oph~ cabinets for the aeetin~/halA 'couXd, be made ~nd installed for ~5.00. ~11 A motion made,.sec0nded~ ~Jad c~ried that this be ' ~One · Wa~ter Dotna reported on ~epairs to be m~'de to the Se pumper. Cert~i~n,,l~art~ were. to be mailed to the-=~=J --- ag~ " On ~ot.10~ m,t~e,,seco2:~c: ,md oa~le resolutions were.? ~t ~- '~--,~---'-~,,~ )~ . ~ .~ ~the~ fol~ - -- , T~.- .... ~ ~~u ~ne x~a~Aatlon o~ new ana ~P~vo" n 'o~ ~i~. ' 1 ~:.~ ~O la now In use. tnst~lation' a~~V~e~+- ~- ~-~ .... ~e est~ated cost of is ~uiho~iz~!~ ' ~ ~ fo~ Fire Wells in the ~ of ~7000.~ -M~tton ~ m~e, se~ed end c~ried theft 100 eaeh adjoin," ~ mo~l.on ~e, ~eo~ ~oa~, the ~e~ n~ was D.R. Oildersleeve, Sec.