Jan. 5,1959. A~i~U::L oRG':: NiZATIoN M]iETING.
Present; Commis stoners Anrtg, Pe~y, Reeve, Tuthi 11, ~ nd Price, ~d
T~ ~e~ s .Gilds rsleeve. ~
aeeting was. held at,' the firehouse,with T~asurer Gilde~sleeve
presiding for the election of a chai~an for the year~1959, c~ll-
lng the meeting to o~de~. ~t 7 P.M.
~tto L.~ig was ~ o~nated for cht, i~an. On motion muds,seconded
~nd carried,nominations ~ve~e closed,_~ ~d one vote ~as cast for t~r.
~ig for ch~i~. ;~-An~ig then took the chair,~sking for nom-
inations for vice chai:~an. By the s~.me p~oeedure as abo~e,~.
P, ~'~ was el~.cte~ vice ch~i~.
On motion made,seconded ~ ndc~ rri~d,Don,~.ld R.Gildersleeve ~/as nom-
ln~,te~ ~d ~ pi;olnted secretary for the year 1959, the s lar~- to
be increased to $~0.c/) per year.
The treasurer's ~mual report (fin~.nci~l) for the year 1958 ~as
re~d ~nd ~proved. Also t~-]e treasurer's azmu~ 1 report of receipts
~nd d.i~abursements,~ s follows:
RECEIPTS: Southold To~.~,F~operty ta~~s ~.E~,04~.3~, Rentals ~:~6O.bO,
Interest ~924.4~, Total aeoeipts ~26,~29.74.
DISBU~S~NTS~ S~l~les ~ ~,~ ges ~, 997.~, Ms, tenure ~d Eepa~
of buildings ~ equipment 4~8.~$, Li~t & meat ll08.~, ~sur~nee
159~.?~, Printing $4.18, Telephone ~0.18, Treasurer's Bond
1~.~, Fi~ ~ells 2444.~, Soc.Sec.T~ S4.44,Miscell~neous 145.8~.
Total Disbursem~ts
~otion made,seconde~',. ~nd c~.~rried th~ t tho follow, lng Resolution be
adopted~ Resolve~,Th~t the North Fork Bnk of ~attituck, N.~~. be
n,~med ~.a depository of the Fir~ District monies for the year 1959.
The Treasurer~ s Bond for the year 1969 ~.vas ~pprove.~ and signed by
the commissioners. (Glens F~lls Bond No.741128 (a) $4000,O0,d~:ted
J~.~n.l,1959. Principal: Donald R.Glldersleeve.
~otion was made,seconded and c~rried that the sum of ~i~O00.00 fr~
the ~eae b~.l~nce of ~2833.80 on h~nd a~ the end of the year 1958
be transferred to the A,~.pital Reserve Fund for Apparatus.
The secretary-treasurer produced ~.11 books ~nd records ms re..iulred
by law,and s~me were ~:cknowled~ed by the co~issioners.
The minutes of theDecember 26,1958 meeting ';~ere read ~'nd ~proved.
The following bills w~ee. ordered p,~Id:~o.Fork 0il H~at ~88.16;
N.X.Telephone Co. 35.95;Rockwood Sprinkler Co. 20.43;Wm.F.Kr~?use
S0.00;~otorola C.~ E. 7.91; ; .¥.Duryee ~8.~5; De Roy S.Reeve
475.06 & 451.O0; Louis Dohm 4.50;Sunrise 011 St~. ~4.90; Surf.
Ce.Fire Dist.Assn. 10.00.
On motion made,seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned...
D. R. Gildersleeve, Sec.