HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-09/14/2010LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes & Discussion Notes from Meeting held Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: John Sepenoski, Chairman Maureen Cullinane Chris Baiz Lillian Ball (7:18 p.m.) Members Absent: Ray Huntington Monica Harbes Eric Keil Also present: Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary Al Krupski, Town Board Liaison Randy Parsons, The Nature Conservancy Commencement: ?? The meeting began at 7:18 p.m. with four LPC members present. Adoption of Meeting Minutes: ?? ACCEPTANCE OF MEETING MINUTES FROM AUGUST 3, 2010 AND AUGUST 31, 2010 HOLD – due to time constraints and small turn-out of attending members. The members entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION. Land Preservation Applications and Inquiries: ?? SCTM #1000-45-5-3 & 4 (Sill) Update: re: status of offer [executive session] Melissa reviewed project with LPC giving status of present offer, counter-offer. Randy Parsons, The Nature Conservancy, reviewed information he had gathered re: closing of LIRR nd crossing and landowner’s options to pursue opening it. Randy suggested ordering a 2 appraisal for lot (SCTM #1000-45-5-4) to get a second opinion re: value with grade crossing info Randy gathered. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Chris Baiz, to direct Randy Parsons of The Nature Conservancy, acting in his capacity under contract with the Town of Southold, to authorize an appraisal on the Town’s behalf on SCTM #1000-45-5-4. LPC determined that there potentially could be a flaw in the appraisal as it pertains to LIRR crossing if landowner could petition to have it opened. Motion carried: 4/0 Al Krupski recommended that the Sill project be brought before the Town Board at their next work session scheduled for September 21, 2010, before ordering a new appraisal. Randy invited to attend to present project to Town Board. ?? SCTM #1000-107-5-1.1 (Swain) Review appraisal [executive session] Stephen Searl of Peconic Land Trust, has been facilitating this project. Town has been offered the development rights on all but an 80,000 sq ft area in the southeast corner with flag for access. Landowner is interested in selling entire property. Stephen has been in contact with potential purchaser. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Maureen Cullinane, to present a purchase offer to landowner, Bradley T. Swain, for the purchase of a 13.4± acre development rights easement at a cost per buildable acre. A flagged Reserve Area of approximately 2± acres (80,000 sq ft) will be located in the southeast corner of the property with access to Mill Road. The offer does not restrict the location or allowance for agricultural structures other than those required by Town Code. The purpose of the acquisition is for farmland protection. LPC’s offer to be presented to landowner by Stephen Searl. Motion carried: 4/0 ?? SCTM #1000-120-3-11.9 (KKP, LLC – Peter Harbes) Review appraisal [executive session] Review inquiry re: adjacent property (SCTM #1000-120-3-11.10) Melissa reviewed project with LPC. Town has been offered the development rights on all but an 80,000 sq ft area in the northwest corner along Sound Avenue. A 50’ wide access area on Sound Avenue will give access to the easement area. Appraisal was reviewed. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Chris Baiz, to direct Melissa Spiro to present a purchase offer to landowner KKP, LLC (Peter Harbes) for the purchase of a 8± acre development rights easement at a cost per buildable acre. A 2± acre (80,000 sq ft) Reserve Area will be located in the northwest corner of the property along Sound Avenue. A 50’ wide access area on Sound Avenue will give access to the easement area. Established parking that exists on Sound Avenue for farm retail sales that lies within the 50’ wide access area will not be included in the purchase price; however, this area will included in the easement area. This offer will not restrict the location or allowance for agricultural structures other than those required by Town Code. The purpose of the acquisition is for farmland protection. Motion carried: 4/0 Melissa brought to the attention of the LPC that Peter Harbes is negotiating a possible land swap with his sister who owns an adjacent parcel situated on Alvah’s Lane. If Mr. Harbes is successful in this trade, then the LPC is favorable to taking steps to preserve this farmland. END OF EXECUTIVE SESSION ?? SCTM #1000-54-7-21.1 (Conway) Update re: status LPC member John Sepenoski was not present for any discussion on this project due to a family relationship. Melissa gave update on current status of this project. Contract prepared and sent to landowners’ attorney. Expect to have it back shortly. Home Inspection report completed. Landowners are agreeable to making repairs to house but not to barn or any other outbuildings. Proposed lot line change application is before the Planning Board. Melissa will schedule an executive session appointment with the Town Board for its next work session on Tuesday, September 21 to discuss this project and get Town Board approval to continue. ?? SCTM #1000-107-10-10.1 (Girards) Updated re: status Melissa met with Supervisor Russell, Jen Andalaro (Asst Town Attorney) and Mark Terry (Planning) to discuss status of this project and brought LPC up-to-date. Motion to adopt purchase resolution is still being tabled by the Town Board. ?? Fishers Island Parade Grounds Fishers Island residents are requesting a preservation plan for the area known as the Parade Grounds. LPC requested that Dixon Harvey, LPC liaison, be asked to provide LPC with a plan for the area to be submitted for LPC review. Applications & Inquiries for Uses or Structures on Preserved Property: ?? SCTM #1000-87-6-4 (Venetis ZBA Application) Finalize LPC comments Ray’s draft memo #1 & #2 dated September 1, 2010 was distributed and reviewed by committee members present. MOTION made by Chris Baiz, seconded by Lililan Ball, to send the following to Zoning Board of Appeals: ?? With regard to the septic system, we recommend a septic system design proven to be substantially more effective under similar circumstances than the current design. In addition, we recommend that any elevated septic system approved not cause any additional run-off to be directed toward the preserve or Corey Creek and that it be visually screened from the preserve. ?? With regard to side yard boundaries of the parcel, we recommend that the property be delineated with fencing (not more than split rail fencing) or hedging to prevent encroachments into the preserve property. If the ZBA should grant the variance(s), then any existing encroachment(s) should be remedied prior to issuance of said variance(s). ?? With regard to Takaposa Road, we recommend that any damage to the road caused by any construction be required to be repaired at applicant’s expense. ?? With regard to this variance application setting precedent for future variances near protected preserves, we recommend that should this variance be granted, the conditions be such that this variance does not facilitate additional variances that damage the preserve and the public’s enjoyment of the preserve. Motion carried: 4/0 ?? SCTM #1000-19-1-1.4 (Cullinane) Request application for poultry house, covered run and fenced pasture LPC member Maureen Cullinane not present for discussion of this request application due to personal involvement. Received favorable e-mail response prior to this meeting from LPC member Ray Huntington and 3 members at meeting in favor, although didn’t have quorum to vote. Based on the four favorable responses, it was decided to send approval letter to Building & Planning Departments at this time to allow landowner Maureen Cullinane to submit building permit application to Building Department for a 12’x60’ poultry house, 48’x48’ covered run, and 525’x275’ fenced pasture to be located where indicated as sketched on the survey of her property submitted with LPC request for ag structures within PDR lands. Said structure is to be used for housing poultry. Motion will be presented and voted on at next LPC meeting on September 28, 2010, for formal approval of said request. ?? SCTM #1000-58-1-1.1 (Town Open Space: Bittner) Planting & Grading Plan Follow-up from Town Board meeting Town Board approved Planting & Grading Plan for the Bittner property dunes area as presented by Maureen Cullinane. It was suggested that dune re-grading be a job performed in-house by either the 1) Highway Department or 2) Department of Public Works. Supervisor Russell commented that he would speak to Peter Harris, Superintendent of Highways about the grading and John Sepenoski, LPC Chair, would follow-up with Supervisor as to result of this meeting. Town Board had authorized DPW to order the plants for the project. Stewardship and Management: ?? MONITORING (PROPERTY CONDITION) REPORTS: SCTM #1000-63-2-6.2 Reinckens/Duffy (per John Sepenoski) o SCTM #1000-69-1-9.1 Doroski Family (per John Sepenoski) o SCTM #1000-84-1-3 Demchak (John Sepenoski/Melanie Doroski) o SCTM #1000-84-3-2.2 Lieb Vines (John Sepenoski/Melanie Doroski) o SCTM #1000-95-1-4.3 Schreiber (John Sepenoski/Melanie Doroski) o Not discussed due to time constraints. General Land Preservation Items: ?? RUTH OLIVA PRESERVE AT DAM POND SIGN DEDICATION: SEPT 22, 2010 @ 3PM ?? LAND PRESERVATION 2011 BUDGET UPDATE Not discussed due to time constraints. ?? CPF TASK FORCE UPDATE Not discussed due to time constraints. Informational: ?? None Next Regular Meeting: ?? The next regular meeting will be held on September 28, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., in the Annex Executive Board Room. Adjournment: ?? The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. by the three remaining LPC members. Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary