HomeMy WebLinkAbout200920' O3 BUDGET Town of Town of Town of County of FIRE DISTRICT FILE WITH TOWN BUDGET OFFICER BY ; A3oU,. ~ ~ (By October 20th tn Westchester County) These Estimates were approved onOcT. ZT~ Zoo~ Commissioner Commis si~ner ' Oommissioner Commissioner Chairman (It is ~otneceasar~ for the commissioners to sign this budget, if the lime district secretary completes the following certificate.) , This is by the fire commissioners on , ~ 2~. 2.0,,0[ ~F~r~ District S~cret'a~y to certify that the Estimates were approved NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS' ALBANY~ NEW YORK ~i~:~ Appropriations SUMMARY OF BUDGET Less: Estimated Revenues $ ~,~ Estimated Unexpended Balance ? ~/ 9~O Total Estimated Revenues and Unexpended Balance To be Raised by. Real Property Taxes ESTIMATED REVENUES A20 State Aid for Loss in Railroad Tax RevenUe $ AB0 Federal Aid for Civil Defense ~A40 Fire Protection and Other Services Provided Outside the District AS1 Interest on Deposits A52 Renta'ls ASB Sales of Apparatus and Equipment A54 Gifts.and Donations A55 Refunds o4 Expenses A59 Miscellaneous (Specify): ~odifi~ Pre~iminarH Estimate / u,¢'o o ,/?oo A81 Transfer from Capital Fund A82 Transfer from Reserve Fund Totals 2 Salary .- Treasurer Salary - Other -Officer · Other ?ereonal ,~ervices APPROPRIATIONS ~o~ua~ Budg~ ~ gxp~ndi~ure~ ~odifi~d Services A200 Equipment. A~00 Contractual and Other Expenses A601 Hydrant Rental Lo~ ? A610 Judgments and Claims A628 State Retirement 3¥stem A630 Workmens Compen- sation A633 Social Security 5~,.TZS,zU P~egiminarH Adopted *.,, . $ 7~%~ 37,0SG A636 A638 A639 A6~0 A680 A681 A690 A691 a801 A802 Medical, Hospital.j_ lank. et Accl~, ~nS.~ ~"~:: If[jo Supp, Benefi~Pa~ments . ~o ~isabled Firemen. ,~ Unemployment Ins. Interest on Bonds Interest on Notes /70-0__ Redemption Of Bonds Redemption of Notes ~ 7{~ Transfer ~o Capital ~und Transfer $o Reserve ~und ~[~ 3 ASSESSED VALUATIONS ~ooa~ed ~n more ~han one Aeeeeeed yaZua~on Tax Anticipation Notes Revenue Antic~pation Notes Budget Notes Capital N6tes Bond Antlcipat~o$ Notes Tota.l Notes Bonds OUTSTANDI~'NG DE BT AS OF AUGUST ~t~ ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES (Administrative Unit) · Expended Last Year Z0 · I PERSONAL SERVICES~ (List all employees giving Title, No. of Persons & Pay Rate) · '~re~ dvr',-.(--- , . TOTAL - PERSONAL · 2 EQUIPMENT (Shew Individual items) Unit Cede ' Budget For Request For This Yeer Next Year $ $ TOTAL - EQUIPMENT · 4 CONTRA'CTUAL EXPENSES (List by major Ire. ms orTypes) TOTAL - OTHER EXPENSES TOTAL FOR A.D/~,]~I~TRATIVE UNIT Remark~l Datet. Prepared & Submitted by Title_ * Where employee Js compensated from mare than ane administrative unit, show total salary and apportionment. FORM EE WILLIAM$OH LAW BOOK ¢0,, ROCHESTEB~ N, Y, 14609 (:ode ESTIMATE ~ REVENUES · . ' (Administrative Unit) Unit Code_, ACTUAL - BUDGET For ESTIMATE For Last Year This Year Next Year · Remarks: TOTAL FOR ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT Prepared & Submitted by,, Title * Show oil revenue received directly by the administrative unit. Explain any soles of equipment. Explain any unusual Items such as gifts, elco t EAST MARION FIRE DISTRICT CONTRACTURAL EXPENSES FOR 2009 260 Administration, Contractual Association Dues Badges and Uniforms Buildings and Grounds Expenses Conventions Electric-LIPA Fire Equipment Repair Fuel Oil Fuel-Gas and diesel Inspection Dinner Internet Service-Cablevision (2) Legal Fees Mileage Reimbursement Natural Gas-National Grid Office Supplies Phone, IocaI-Verizon (2) Phone, long distance-Verizon (2) Phone, Wireless-Nextel Phones, Cablevision Physicals/Fit testing Postage Public Notices, Advertising Training Travel, Other (EZ-Pass, etc.) Water Service-SCWA Well Maintenance TOTAL '1,000.00 3,500.00 30,000.00 7,000.00 11,000.00 20,000.00 2,500.00 12,000.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 15,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 600.00 750.00 3,000.00 750.00 7,500.00 600.00 300.00 6,000.00 200.00 300.00 500.00 140,500.00 EQUIPMENT BUDGET FOR 2009-EAST MARION FIRE DISTRICT Rescue Boat Turn-out Gear Misc. fire gear EMS/Rescue Squad Fire Police TOTAL $20,000.00 $t0,000.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $600.00 $45,600.00