HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008FISHERS ISLAND FIRE DISTRICT P.O. BOX 222 FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 Jeffrey D. Edwards Lawrence R. Horn Aaron R. Lusker Jennifer S. Sanger James M. Wall NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FISHERS ISLAND FIRE DISTRICT Tmdi A. Edwards Secretary Catherine H. Edwards PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing will be held on October 16, 2007 at 4:45 PM at the main firehouse located at 33 Athol-Crescent Avenue. The purpose of the Public Hearing will be to permit public review of the proposed budget for the Fishers Island Fire District for the calendar year 2008. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that a copy of the proposed budget has been filed with the Town Clerk, is available for review, and is also available for review at the Office of the Board of Fire Commissioners upon request. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF FISHERS ISLAND FIRE DISTRICT, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York. Catherine H. Edwards District Secretary Phone: (631 )788-7019 E-mail: fifiredistricl(kt fishersisland.net Fax: (631 )788-7094 Town of Town of Town of County of 20 0..~ BUDGET FIRE DISTRICT (By These Estimates were approved La re c.e. Commissioner FILE WITH TOWN BUDGET OFFICER BY S~E~TE~BER 20TH October 20th in Westchester County) Commissioner Comets s loner Comml s s 1 oner Chairman (It is not necemsar~ for the commissioners to sign this budget, if the fir. e district secretary completes the following certificate.) This is to certify that by the fire commissioners on the Estim~te~ were approved Fire DiStrict Secretary NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANY, NEW YORK Appropriations Less: Estimated Revenues SUMMARY OF BUDGET Estimated Unexpended Balance Total Estimated Revenues and Unexpended Balance To be Raised by. Real Property Taxes 35q~ 700. oo 0013.00 35G, q oo, oO ESTIMATED REVENUES Actual Budget A~ Modified Preliminary ~o~ Adopted Budget A20 State Aid for Loss in Railroad Tax Revenue $ A30 Federal Aid for Civil Defense A40 Fire ProSection and Other Services Provided Outside the District A51 Interest on Deposits A52 Rentals A53 Sales of Apparatus and Equipment A54 Gifts.and Donations A55 Refunds of Expenses A59 Miscellaneous (Specify): A81 Transfer from Capital Fund A82 Transfer from Reserve Fund Totals , 3, $oo.o0, 2 Salary ~ Treasurer Salary - Other Elected Officer APPROPRIATIONS Pre~iminar~ Fstimat~ 20 0_~ $ $ $ Adopted Budget 20 _ Other Personal Services Al00 Total Personal Services A200 Equipment A~00 Contractual and Other Expenses A601 Hydrant Rental A602 Fire Department or Company Services A60B Fire Protection A610 Judgments and Claims A628 State Retirement System A6BO Workmens Compen- sation A6BB Social Security A636 Medical, Hospital A638 Blanket Accia, Ins. A 6B 9 Supp· Bene fit. Paym en~ to ~isabled F~.emen A640' Unemployment Ins. A680 Interest on Bonds A681 Interest on Notes A690 Redemption of Bonds A691 Redemption of Notes AS01 Transfer to Capital Fund A802 Transfer to Reserve,Fund S~ru~c~ ~r6 Oro~ ' Totals 25:00o00 IqO, 9oo. oo 3 7: 5oo. oO 2, goo. o~ 3 ~j, 00o. Oo ?k~, ooo. co ASSESSED VALUATIONS (To bo uaed when Fire Dietrio$ is located in more than one town) Tow~ Valuation Tax Anticipation Notes Revenue Anticipation Notes Budget Notes Capital NOtes Bond Anticipation Notes Total Notes Bonds OUTSTANDING DEBT AS OF AUGUST St, ~_ ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES For. (Administrative Unit) .1 PERSONAL SERVICES* (List all employees giving Title, No. of Persons & Pay Rate) Expended Last Year Unit Cede Budget For This Year Request For Next Year TOTAL - PERSONAL SERVICES .2 EQUIPMEHT (Show individual items) $. :$ $ $ $ $ TOTAL - EQUIPMENT $ $. $~ · 4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES (List by major Items or Types) $ TOTAL - OTHER EXPENSES TOTAL FOR ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT Remarlcs: $: --$ $ $ $ Date: Prepared & Submitted by __Title *Where employee is compensated from more than one administrative unit, show total salary and apportionment. ESTIMATE ~',F REVEMUES For (Administrative Unit) Code Item* 19 ACTUAL - Last Year Unit Code. BUDGET For This Year 19 ESTIMATE For Next Year 19 $ $ TOTA1 FOR ADMINISTRATIVE UHIT Remarks: $ $ Prepared & Submitted by * Show all revenue received directly by the administrative unit. ExpJain any saJes of equipment. Explain any unusual items such as gifts, etc. I