HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/28/1960~'~'~ ~,~ MATTITUCK i~'ll~E DISTRiGT
Meet~n~ hold ,~t the f~ehouse oc~lle,~ to o~or by
man An~s ~t '~,4~ P,~.
TA~ on~l~ O~do~d b~ds fo~ the old ,a~ L~.~r~ce p~pe~
to bo opened, B~do I'o~ o~
~t~ OoOaeo,Out~o~e $1~000 D, pos~ oheok onolodod ~
Kalt M~on F~ D~ot.,East Ma~onoNoY. $355.00 ~ooit cheek
oooo~od ~ c ~r~ed the b~d of ~e B~st M~on F~e ~st~ot was
[.~nutos o~ tho ~optombo~ meet~ wo~ ~ead ~nd
The follo~ bills we~ o~o~ ~.idl~ R~ S,~eve
3.B.Wo~I ~.4~J Esso ~t~a~ 24,~J Motorola $17.0~17~07,~5.~ &
6~.2~l WalteF Oatz 54.~J ~.J.PhlllXps 2.94J fl.~.Telephone Os. ~5.00
2~.~J O~lf.Oil Co. l.9~j ~ell Oil Oo.~o~9j Ray. F.Hine
yee lS,~j News-~view 6.09j ~ Roy S.Ree~ 6o.97~ Oeo.H.TayloF
L.X.~ 0o. 3~e65J Sou~pton El~o.As8oc. 55.00~ ~uis ~
9eo.L.Pe~y, Xno. ~16~6~ & 675.00; E~ S~aga ~2.~ ~.Moisa 149.~9.
~,~otion was ~de,seoo~ ~ carrie.Afar 4 sots be purohased
· o~ use in the fi~house.
Mo~ion was m~do,seoo~ed ~c arried tha~ a new gas heater
be im talled in t~e old fi~e house. ,~sst. Ohief ~lter ~ was
to oa~ t~s out.
The seorota~ ~po~ted that t~ d~,te fo~ the mnuA eleotion
wo~d be Deoembep 6~1960~at ~oih time ~ ~o~mfssloner is 2o be eleote
fo~ a tc~ of five yea~s In the jl~oeof Chas.A.Price 3~ a t~eas~eP
for a te~ of t~ee years in the pl; ce of ~n~-l~ R.OildePsleeve. The
seor~ was ~uthor~zed to publish ~e nec~,ssa~ notioes, ~ to
b~llots. ~leo~lon t be adv~rtised In the T~av~ler-~atc~.
Ma~tin ~ute~pGeo.H.Nine -nd ~alter Ooutt8 we~ pointe,~ to
8ePvo ~o lnapeoto~8 of said election. Th~ follow, lng Resolution was adopteds
Resoled that the inspeotor8 of election on ~o.~s1960 be ~aid the
s~ Of $5.~0 essa for their so,ices.
~otion ~as m~e 8eoonde ~d c ~rFied that 500 feet of 2 1/~
in~ double JackO~,6*O po~d ~oat Daemon fire hose be purch; sod,at a quo~
p~ioe of $975.00
· n motion ~de~seo~ed ~nd c a~riedtha fol4owing Resolution
was =dopte~J Resolved,by the Bo~ ~ Fi~ Oo~ssione~s,~,~itit~k F ~ Dist-
r~ot of Mg titu~k,N.X, th~t D.R.Olldersleeve,t~. beo~d ~by is aut~
izod ~ dispose ~of ~oo~ i~ms ~bers 22-26-38-41-67 On ~oo~o dispos-
ition list Ao.l, is~ed p~suant to section 114 of the ~ations of t~
O~ioolone~ of ~uo, tion,~d Se it ~rther Resolv~ That t~ Olerk of
boa~ be,~d hereby isodireoted to ~ish a oer~Xfie espy of ~8 ReS-
slutish to D.R.Oilde~sl eye,Treas, to be fo~a~e 2o the O~issionop of
Meeting was adJou~e ,on m6tion made,seco~ ~ carried.
D. R.Gildersleeve~ ~o.