HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/29/1960~ ~ MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT ~uc~, ~o.= ~S~.D, N. V. J~y ~9~ 1960. P~ee~ O~ssione~s ~ig~Reeve~Mll~Prloe~ Mists, ~ Treas.Oil~ersleeve. M e~g was held ~ ~ fi~house,oalled ~o order by Oh~im~n ~rig a~ 7~0 Minu~es of ~he J~e ~e~i~ we~ ~ad ~ ~pp~ved~ The foll°wi~ bills were o~ered p~id~ O~ifo~ia Oil 0o~ ~2~j L.I.Ll~ing 0o. 26.86j No.Fork Oil Hea~ 49~62j Esso S~a~ l~e19 & 6e26jO~L~Pe~y, Inc 6~75; L.I.Traveler 6~,29~00 · X~.70j ll~lOj~u~ s Se~eS~e Ale29J ~.V.~ee lO.O~R.H.~hill ~eOO~Ra~o~ F.Nine 8~O0~D,Re~l~ersleeve l~lS;Pos~S~er ~e60~.Moisa, H~sen~s Oa~ age 381.1~ (sub~ec~ ~o cor~o~ion). Mo~lon made,seoo~ed ~nd carried ~ha~ ~ "Pak-Ala~" 1 M~sk be purchase. Bi~ for ~he p~.in~ ~obs for ~he ~wo firehouses wePe opened ~d ro~,~s followsj (To~al fo~ bo~h houses) I~ing O.~ells Harol~ H.Re~ve ~ Sons 800~00; Ed a~ ~l~ga 67~e00 Mo~iOn m~e,seoo~ed ~.n~ carrl~ ~ ~h~ bid of Mr. Sl~ga be accepted ~ ~he ~n~a~ awaked ~o hime ~o~ion ma~e,seoo~e~ and carried ~h~ Ecker~ Oil Se~lee,Ino~ supply fuel ~ll fo~~ ~ firehouse,fr~ October 1,1960,~o October 1,1961. ~o~ion m~de, seoo~ed ~c arried ~ha~ O~ef Haas be au~ho~ iz~a ~o use ~he Fo~ Hose ~ck ~ a~end a field ~onfe~nce in Oo~eo~- icu~. Discu~sion of loc~ion of ~ ~ fi~ well (s~e m~u~es of J~eYA) r~s~o~ in ~ si~e ~ ~e Mill Road,~es~ of Mill ~e being selected. In case ~ls proved ~s~isfae~o~,seo~n~ ~hoice ia to be on Marr~ooka L~e. The secre~ was inspected ~o see ~o~ey ~,ic~ ~ ou~ publishing ~ve~isemen~s for bids in ~he Newa-~view of Riverhead ~nd ~he Tr~v,le~o~n of Sou~hold. Bids ~o be su~i~e~ ~o ~h~ T~aarer on or before 7~30 P.M. ~u~s~ 26~h~19~0. Oomple~ion of ina~lla~ion of wells ~o be on or before On mo~ion m~de,seoonded ~d c~rried ~he follov~ng budg~ as ~dopted for the year 19618 S~laries and ~ages PurchaSe of Al~par~tus & Equipment M~intenance &t~'ep~ir of .pparatus & E quip~ent M~intenance & Rep~ir of Buildings C~pital ~se~e F~ for Firehouse C~;p~tal ~eserve F~d for Apparatus Fire ~ells ~sur~ce Onifo~s MlscelX~eous R~io Co~cation Total 1200 O0 4000 cO0 3000,00 300OEO0 5000,00 4000 · O0 3~0,00 2000 500,00 300,00 ,1400~00 28000 Less Estin~-ted ~eceipts 300.00 Total ~nount to be Raised~' 27'70~,00 J~I[IUT~ O~ Y~TI~t(} OF OONNISSlON~R$ OF T~ w ' ' MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. J~y 29 (Continued) f~ot~on was made~seoo~ed a~ c ar~ed that a proposition to raise t~ ~o~t of :~7,700.00 bt ~ be su~tted to thg qu.~.lified t~a.yers of the Fire District at a ~pec~l ~eet~n~ to be he~ at the f~house of Au~st ?3,1960,polls to be open fr~ ~ P.M. 10 ~.M,~u~ that the notice of such meeti~ be publishedin the L.I,Trav- eler-Mattituck %'~atc~an. tiotion was made,seconded and carried that · the' Special ~set~ng o~ au~.23, a proposition be sub~itt~ the s~ of $1340,00~ or~ as mush thereof as m~y be nece~s~be used towa~ the installation of new fire ~ells ~n 1960~ said ~;1340,00 now being the ~o~t tal ~eee~e F~d for F~re 01~ffo~ Po~emus~,~lte~ Coutts~a~ Geor~ were ~ppointe~ to serve t.~e ~nspectors of election on aug,23. The follo [n~ resolution was adopted; ~esolved ,that the [: spectors of elect~on on ~,5.~ each for ~etr se~icee, Oha=l~s ~ska was ~ppo~nted b~bthe Ch~an to se~e as ~ oo~tte~ to have the c~l~n~ ~n the basemen~ of the firehouse On motion m~e~seco~ed ~ ca~led~the meet~n~ w as ad;outed.