HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/27/1960I~IATTITUCK I'IRE UISTRICT
~y 27~196~. Present~Co~m~ie~i°ne~s ~ri~Reeve~Tuthlll,Price,an~
~,inutes of t~e April Z9 meet~n~ ,~ere ~ead ~nd apF~oved~
~ter m~etin~ had been c~l~ to o~er by Ch~i~n ~m~t~ ~t 7.40
T~e follo~'~ing bills ,~e~ ordePed paidi ~o~th~ton Elect-
~onics ;~40,00; ~11 Oil Go, 1,94; N.~.Telephone 0o,'34,60 R
Jos,;~ois~ 1~5,47; J.R,Ha',~kins ~,ZS; Louis J~e~e~ e SOn 6,~;Easo
a letter ~as received from all~ D~ckereon, Sec. of the
~et tituck Fire Co. etat~n~ that the Oo~p~ny h~d ~[mously (wi~h the
exception of the Chief F~inee~) votec to ask the Boa~ of Oomm~s~ one,s
w~t eo~ld be done to Pe~buPse the Chief E~:~inee~ for the m,.r,y ex-
penses ~ncu~red b~ h~, The aecrete~ was inst~eted to soe ~,~h~t the
Fire District could do legally in ~is matter.
~ motion ~s m~de,s~condod ~d carried that the exterior
of both firehouses be p~inted. Spoc~ficetions,to be completed ~:fter
conault~tlon with atty.~.illi~ ,icad, to be~ ~ co~ts white fo~ule
p~ tnt (on~ pr~r,on~ finish cout). Old F~reheuse,doors,wlndows,
trim only~ ~e~zZex Bia~rs to st~te wh~t br~d of ~Int ts to be
used. Sep~r~t~ bias ~quire~ for each firehouse,w~th bid for the
to~th~, i~s~nce co~er~ge r~qul~. Lork to be com~,leted on or before
the 5let d~y o~' Au~ust~9~. ~t was ~co~ended th~ t the
of b~dinE be confined to local painters o~y, if le~l; othe~ise
bid ad~e~ti~mont Is ~o be publishedin the L.i;Traveler-~iattituck
~,ot~on w~s made ~seoo~ ~ c arr~ed that s~x
T nks be ordered, O~ef ames to o~er
i&otion ,;;as m~de, seco~ed a~ c~rr~ed that the sec~eta~
~rite to the ~, ttituck Ohumbe~ of Co~e~ce,c~lling attention to ~
er~o~ in a folde~ distribu~d by th~:t orgun~z~tion~ln which 4
ala~ telep~ene n~bers ~yere giv~n~these n~bers having ~en ~
discontinued since Novembe~ 19~6 aa emergency al: ~s. It was ~co~end-
ed that ~e ~ of C call In ~1 cl~c~ara wi~ this f~lse fnfo~tion.
~eeting w,e ~Jou~d,$n motion made,seconded and
D,R. Gildersleeve~ Sec,