HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/25/1960 MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT
~ch ~b~19~. ~ese~ tOommt8~ one,s A~f~Be~ve~thlll
~ieke, ~nd Tre as.G~.lde rsleeve.
~ ~eeting~ ~as held ~t the fi~ehousc,c~lled to Order b~ the ch~
~tnUtes o~ Pac.18 (1~09),$~ n.8,f~b.l~,and (l e{O
~ead ,:.n~ ~pproved.
T~ follo~ n~ bills were ~ oPdePed p~.id: N.Y.Telepho~e
<~:,:,~,~..,o4.85 & Z5.50; F~re End ~'roduota 50.~5; C~if.Oil Co.
No.Fork Oil ~e~t 6;:.25 & 76.63; ~,~otorol~ 17.07; Sunrise 0~.1 St ·
.,o ~. N~otorol~, 11.5{;; Shell 0~1 Co. 1.80; ~,.lcolm T ~t. hili 1{~.00;
L.I.Li~ting Go. 28.47; ~ Esso St~d~ 7.72, 13.33 ~:: 4,72; L.I.
Traveler 8.10; Mike Posn~..nski 15.00.
' Motio~ v~s m~.~e,soconded ,nd carriedthat the ch~i~r~ be
~thorim~d to purchase n~c~ss~ p~rts for radio.
~,~otion m~de,seconde~:i a~ c~rried that ~ copies
s~pplem~nt to Book off Fire ~'s be purch~:~sed.
~oeting ~s ~dJou~ed, on motion m~de,seconded ~d carried.