HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/10/1960~;INUT2S OF M;';~,TINO OF CO~,~MI;~S~ON~;R3 OF THE, MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT Feb,l~,1960. Special meeting. Preeent~Commissior~rs ~nr[g, Reeve, Tuthill,P~lce,: nd i~iiska,and Treaa. Gi~ersle~ve. ~eetln8 held ~t t~ fireh~use,c~lled to o~er ~ Anrig at ~.~O P.~. On motion ~e,aec~e ~ ~ ~carried,the re,rig of the minutes of ~he ~ nu~ meeting ~ms dispensed T~ ch~l~n orde~d the bids for a new fi~ truck opened nd read. The bids~ M~icipal i~;achine~ ~o.,Ine.~ 1 F~D F~-~ 7~ G.P,M. FOur ·heel Drive P~pe~,Class ~,in accord~ce with sp~;cifioations,~]20~415=,O0 Alte~te Bld~ Rear ~heel ~lve ~18,81~.00. No exceptions taken. Certified ~eck of :~,~lcip~ ~l~chine~ Os. on B nk of ~thto~,~thto~, N.Y. received with bid. ~o~t ~erio~ Fi~e ~pparatus Co.,~ttle g~ek,Mieh, l One t=lple combination p~ lng engine,lnclu~ng one ~a~ton-~erie~ p~p~t~ D~- 7~. Capacity 7~ GPi;t. ~;o~te, on ~n Inte~ational,Model C0-196 C~ssis with a ~1 cu.ln. 212 H.P.Engine or ~vith a 549 cu.in.257 H.P.Engine, .;18~755e~. Alte~ate bid~ S~ as above except ~o~ted on.a Fo~ O-8~ ~assis with a 332 cu. in. 212 H.P.~ngiae :~;17~6~e00. Alte~ate: bidS~,exoept ~o~ted on ~ Fo~ C-8(~0 X4,You~ ~el ~ri~e Chassis with 332 cu.in. ~f12 H.P.Engine, ;[',21~0~.00. Certified ~eek of ~Pic~ Apparatus Co. Battle ~reek,21eh.,on The First National Bank & t~st of Kal~azoo, Galesburg, Mloh. ~o~t ,~ ~otion was made,ae~o~d ~d c ~Pled that deelelon on t~ bids be reserved ~til ~other meeting,to be held on ThU~sda2~eb. 18~1960. ~otiO~ ~ made,seoo~ ~.nd ~ied that the bills be 9~id~ahell Gil Go. ~s ~.81~ N.~.Telep hone Go. t'~,~& ~.75~ Louis Do~ ~.~,~8.~,78 & 5.60~ ~5.~0 ; ~ll~n H.Tut~ll ~.~ t~.~.~i~ting OOe SO.OS; No~h Fo~k Oil Heat 59.1~ News-~eview 6.~ ~.I.T~aveleP $e81 5,~l~H~tons Fl~ App. Moles 74.S2~ G~lif. Oil Os. 3.6~ Moto~la 17.07;S~ise Oil Sra. ~otion m~de,seconde.~ ~,~ c~rried t~t the ~re~surer be ~uthorizeu to send ~e~ for fi~ well bill to the E~st Coast Well ~rilling Oo.~s~e heine d~t~,d In ~eeember Motion was made seco~ed ~ c arriedtht the FiPe m~y t~ke one t~ck to ~2 parade that they ~ttend, ~,{eeting ~,~s adjoined,on motion made,seconds ~.~ o~rriede D.H. Oilde rsleeve, Sec,