HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/08/1960MATTITUCK F'IRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. Jan.8~1960. Present~ Oommlasioners Anrig,Reeve~Tuthlll~and ~iska~ and Treas.Olldersleeve. The mectln~ was held at the firehouse,called t o~le~b7 Tr~as.Gll~eraleeve at 7.30 P.~. tie asked for nominations for ch~,l~man for t~ year 1960. dtto L.anrlg was nontnated. The~ belnF no othe~ no~natlo~s,nomln:.:tlona were c[osed.~nd o~ motion m~de,seco~ed f~d ca~ted~v,Anvlg was declared elected. Er.~rl~ then took the chair,~.nd ~,sked fo~ nominations for vlce chat~ B~ theaame procedure~Ohaa.A.Prloe 3~ was e ected. Donald ~.Olldersleeve was ~,ppointed to se~e as ~creta~ for the year 1960,sala~ to ~ ~36u.o0 per yea~. The ~Feas~Fs5 a~nua~ fln~cial repo~t,also his annual ~epovt off recelpts ~d dls~rse~nts whs ~.oad~; nd on ~tion made~seco~- ed and cavrie~,both weFe ~pprovea. The ~o[[o~,t~ Heao[ution wac adopte ca motion m~de,seeo~de(t and oarrled~ Resolved,Th t the i;orth Fo~k B~ ,nd T~st Co. sly ~attituo~N.X. be n.raoa the depostto~ for the Fire District monies for the ycaP 1~0, A mo~lon was made,seconded a~ oa~te~ ~hat the s~ ~,6o00.O0 of the bul~oe of ~7~8,46 (Interest ~d oh~k acosta) left' at ~ close of 1931~be ~=nsfem~ed to ~he C~pttal ~se~e F~ds Five A p~tus ~d for ~ now Ft~shouee~ $~0~.O0 to The seo~eta~ p~auoed ;11 booKs~noludt~ ~eck book,cash book,m~nutea,patd ol~lms,etc.~as ~e:iutved b~ law, and same ere ao~owledged by the c~lsslonevs. T~e ve~dln~ of the ~eoembev mlnu~es ~as deleted to the next meeting. .-The follow~ b~lls were o~eved puid~No~th Fovk 0tl ~29.44 ~ ~.~ ~.l.Lt~t~ Co. 29.10~ Flremens ~;ssn~St~ te of 4.00~ 3~f.Co.Fl~e Dtsts.As~. 10~00~ ~u~s Se~lee o~a. 51.45~ ~ Ho7 S.Heeve 673.8~ · ~75~O0~ W.V.Du~ee 13.O4] Moto~la 17.07~ C 11fora 0~1 0o. 1,42] .3~vlse 0~1 5~a.39.45. ~tens F=lls Public Official Bo~ ~411~,date Jan. l~1960, ~vlnet~-i ~nald R.O~ldevsleeve~Bond ~mo~ $40~.~was app~ved und s~ed by the C~sslonevs,s~me to be fo~a~ed to t~ Town Clerk. Hesolutlons were auop~e ~exp~essln~ appreciation of the lon~ se~loe of foyer Oo~lsstoner ~eo~e L.Per~7~a cop~ to ~ sent to bt. Pentland ~ cop~ to be filed with theze minutes. A motion wus m~de~seconde ~.nd ca,Pied that b~ds be tised for ~ new Fi~'e &~ck~specifications to be file,, with these minutes; ads to be plaoe~ ~n t~e News-Bev~ew of ~vePhead~N.~. sand t~ ele~ tt~tuck Watc~=n of ~outhold, issues of J,.n.14~l~O; bids to ~ in the hands of the meo~et~ ~ on o~ before ~.30 P,~. Feb~:~ 10e1~. ~ The sec~ was [nst~cted to see atto~ W[ll~ for =ny nece.eaa~ leEul work ~e~,~n~ the fire t~ck p=opos[t~on, On motion m~de~seco~e ,~ omrried~the meeting was adjourns . D.B.Gildel~sleeve~ Sec.