HomeMy WebLinkAbout19619-8-61-4M STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER NAME OF DISTRICT//~//¢ 7"~'7 7-~/C//~ /)")/3 7/-C/C 7- in the TOWN OR TOWNS OF COUNTY OF. for the YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 196.__~/ This Report must be filed on or before March first. The fiscal Year is from January. first to December thirty-first. General Municipal Law m Section 30-31. Town Law m Section 181(3) DIVISION O1: MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL ALBANY, NEW YORK RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCES GENERAL FUND Real Property Taxes: (Show taxes from each town in which fire district is located) Town of ,~OU ~-D~oLIr) ...... $ .9_'7'?~-~,O ~ Town of ...... Town of ...... Town of ...... Total Real Property Taxes ................................................................................ (3) $_g_.ZZ'-/?, o .B Other Receipts: Federal Aid for Civil Defense Equipment ................$ Fire Protection and Other Services Provided Oatside the District (list each District from whom contract payments are received): District ............ District . .......... All Other: (Itemize) Total ~her R~i~s ........................................................................................ (7) __ q33, 7/ Notes Issued (Budget, Tax Anticipation, Revenue Anticipation) ...................................... (9) Transfers from Other Funds: (specify) T~rs .................................................................................................. .~- (13) Total Receipts, General Fund .......................................................................................... $ Bal~.nce at Beginning of Year, General Fund ' 6t-3') Total Receipts and Balance, General Fund ...................................................................... (14) $ ' CAPITAL FUND Capital Notes Issues ....................................................................................................... (9) $ Bond Anticipation Notes Issued ........................................................................................ (9) Bonds Issued .................................................................................................................... (8) Premium and Accrued Interest on Bonds ......................................................................... (8) Interest on Deposits and Investments of Capital Fund Moneys ...................................... (7) Transfers from Other Funds: (specify) ...................................................... (12) Total Receipts, Capital Fund ............................................................................................ $. Balance at Beginning of Year, Capital Fund .................................................................... (13) Total Receipts and Balance, Capital Fund ...................................................................... (14) $ /4Fl'-) P/q- i~ 37' 0 .g C/~p/ T/~/~ RESERVE FUND (Insert Title) Interest on Deposits and Investments .............................. .................................................. (7) Transfers from Other Funds: (specify) i--' I~ O /F! ~ /.7 /x/ ~_ ~ /¢ /.- ...................................................... (12) ...................................................... (]2) Total Receipts, Reserve Fund .......................................................................................... $ Balance at Beginning: of Year, Reserve Fund .................................................................. (13) Total Receipts and Balance, Reserve Fund g D/~/F/0 A/t9 z. C/4p, t~zv& JS~)'~)'}'~'"'6'M'"~'~T)'i~'i~'~'~'~'"'ffT'VZ'~? (14) $ TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS New York State Withholding Tax .................................................................................... United States Withholding Tax ........................................................................................ Social Security Tax ............................................................................................................ Foreign Fire Insurance Tax .............................................................................................. Other (specify) ~.T/2~· 7¢ ~q77.6 Y- .~ :2, ~7o,q2-.- ~4~o o, o o Total Receipts, Trust and Agency Funds ........................................................................ $ Balance at Beginning of Year, Trust and Agency Funds ................................................ Total Receipts and Balance, Trust and Agency Funds .................................................... $ n~DITION~L C~PIT,~L RESERVE FUNDS TRPiaSURER' S ~;NNU~L REPORT C~PiTAL RP~SFRVE FUND FOR FIREHOUS~ Interest on Deposits ar~i Investments' From General ~'und Balance at Beginning of Yea~ 1961 Total ~'tecelptS, .~.~lance 1180.16 5000.00 28401.47 34581.63 B~lance ~t end of Year 1961 ~:$ ~4581.6~5 G,~ITAL h}'$EHVE FUi~D FOH FIHE ,~LLo Interest on De~osits and Inve~mnts ~rom General Fund , B~lance at Begim~ing~of Year 1961~~ To~al aeceipts and Balanee Other Payments (speclf¥) Paid for Fire ~ells no~e 1500.00 ,501.50 2001,50 2001. ,50 PAYMENTS AND ENDING GENERAL FUND BALANCES Current Expenses: Personal Services (wages and salaries) ...................... $ Hydrant Rental .......................................................... Payment to Fire Department or Company for Serv- ices Provided Outside the District (specify) Payment to Outside Agency for Fire Protection Within the District ~.specify) Other Expenses:-A4/~ / tv r ~ ~ c ~- ~- ~ ~ ~ I ~, T~M ~ent Ex~es .................................................................................... (1) Purchase of Apparatus and Equipmem ............................................................................ (2) Debt ~im: Redemption ~ Notes ........................................ (3) $ Redemption of Bonds ...................................... (3) Imerest on N~es ~d Bon~ ............................ (4) Total Debt ~ce ..................................... ~ ...................................................... Trans~ to O~er FUnds: (specify) TotM Tr~sfers .................................................................................................. (7) Tot~ Paymems, GenerM Fund ........................................................................................(5) B~ m End of Ye~, General F~d ............................................................................ (8) Total Paym~ts and BM~, General F~d ......... ~. ......................................................... (9) CAPITAL ~D ~rcha~ of A~atus ~d Equipmem ............................................................................ (2) Purchase =d Constm~i~ of BugdM~ ............................................................................ (2). Redemption of B~d ~ticipatim N~ .......................................................................... (3) Interest ~ Bond ~ticipation Notes ................................................................................(4) Transfem to Other F~ds: epecify) ........................... : .......................... (7) .................. , ..................... (7) T~M Pa~ems, Capit~ Fund ..........................................................................................(5) B~an~ at End o~ Year, CapitM Fund .............................................................................. (8) T~al Payments and Balan~, Ca~tal Fund ...................................................................... (9) (Ime~ Title) Transfers to Other Funds: (specify) .... : ................................................. (7) ...................................................... 7) Other Payments: (specify) Total Payments, Reserve Fund .............. ' .............................................. (5) $ Balance at End of Year, Reserve Fund ............................................................................ (8) Total Payments and Balance, Reserve Fund .................................................................... TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS New York State Withholding Tax .................................................................................... United States Withholding Tax ........................................................................................ Social Security Tax ............................................................................................................ Foreign Fire Insurance Tax .................................. : ........................................................... Other (specify) Total Payments, Trust and Agency Funds ........................................................................ Balance at End of Year, Trust and Agency Funds .......................................................... Total Payments and Balance, Trust. and Agency Funds .................................................... 6 .~6'8.o o (9) $// 3 .~'5~c, ,3 (2 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding NOTES Beginning During Total During End of of Year Year Year Year Tax Anticipation $ $ $ $ $ Revenue Anticipation Budget Capital Bond Anticipation Total -- Notes $ $ $ $ $ BONDS Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding (Show each issue separately Year of Interest B,egi,n~i,ng During During End of by Title and Purpose) Issue Rate of Year Year Year Year $ $ $ $ Total -- Bonds X X X X X X X X $ $ $ $ COMPUTATION OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES Amount of Tax 'ZLssesa~ .Valuation of Tax Rate per $1,000 (Assessed Valuation TOWN Fire District within Town of Assessed Valuation multiplied by Tax Rate) ._~OUT~ot-O $ 7~-2.631i.oo $ , 3~' $ .2'7'2"/c?'°~ District Total $ X X X X X X X X X X $ NOTE: Amount o~ tax shown/or each town in last column should agree with corresponding tax receipts shown at top o/page 2. RECEIVABLES CLAIMS PAYABLE Amount Due District at End of Year $./q/0/V'/-~- Amount of Unpaid Claims of District at End of Year SJ~0 THE DISTRICT IS GOVERNED BY: (Check one) __ Town Board ]"~'~Separate Board of Fire District Commissioners CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: Name O '7-7-19 /-~ Address /4~ /tcp [ / / F CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I, ._~../.)0 A/t//~ Z- P ~, ~ / ~ ~ ~ [~ ~ ~ ~- ~- ~ ~ , do hereby c~ that I am ~e Treasurer of /WI ~ ~ ~ / T ~ C (~. F~o Distfi~ located in the Town ~ Towns o~ 0 U ~ ~ 0 ~ f~ , ., County of ~ UW~OL~ , and ~at ~e foreg~g statement of ~e r~ipts ~d pa~ents of 'such Fke Distfi~ for the fiscal year ended De.tuber 31, 196~, is tree to ~e best of my knowledge, i~omation ~d be~ef. P, O. Address