HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/27/1961MATTITUCK I"IRI=' UISTRICT MATT[TUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. 0ot.27~1961. Present:OOmmissionera Tuthill,Prioe.and Miska~and T~eas, Oildersleeve. ~ee~in& ~ld at t~ f~house,o.lled to o~eF ~ Cha~ Price ~at 7.30 P.~. 1nutes of the Se tember meeting we~ ~ead a~d app~ed. ~ following bills wereorde~e~ paid:Noel A~oht Tldowate~ Oil/ Go. 2.615 ~.~.Telephone Co. 36.60 & ~5.~1 Oalif.Oil ~o. 2,71; L.I.Li~ting Co. ~ 41.~;Reg.H.~thlll 14,005 ~anaena ~rage L.I.Flre EquiD.Oo. lO.~;b~otorola 12~4.5~ a 2~.5&; Louis Do~ 3T.~ A Lette~ was reoeived f~om Jos.J.~eiger, Ino.,~equeating an extension to aeo.1 to oomplete the fire well Jobs. On motion ae~nded ~nd oarried,the extension was granted, t~ d~te to be no late~ th~ ~e date asks ~. Motion was made,seconded ~ carried theft the membership of the N:~ttituek Fl~e Compar:y be increased by 8 members. The aeo~eta~ reported that u~e~ ~ new law,fire are required to give written notice to the board of fire eo~ts~one~a wheneve~ th oomph, ny was to h, vea fuzed ~alslng ?~Ject. ~e was instm~eted to so lnfo~ the company ~ee~et~ry. ~Totion was m~:~de,seco~ed and each'led that ~ u sold p~o~f ceiling be inst~ lied In the r~dio ro~th~ the walls oF the room be ed,~d theft an ~aphalt tile floo~ be inst~lled. ~eotlng was adjourned,on ~otlon m de,secondei and D.R.Gilderal 'eve, See. .?