HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/25/1961 MINUTES O~.MEETING O~ OOM~ISSIONERS OF THE " I'VIATTITUCK i'IRE: I../IE~TRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. Aug. 25,1961, Pre sent ~ Co~ ssioners Anrtg, Reeve ~ ~t~li ~ ~rice ~ ~ ~iska, ~ Treaa.Gl~ersleeve. Meeting held at the firehouse,called t° o~er by Chai~ Anrig at 7,30 P.M. Thc chai~ ordered bids opened for the Base Station radio, The o~y bid received was f~m Moto~la C~icatio~ ~d Elec- tronics, Inc.,totaling $1294.80. On motion made, seconded ~d carried, it was voted to accept the bid. Minutes of the July 21 meeting were re~d and approve. ~e follo~n~ bills were ordered paid~ Tidewater Oil $1~.13; N.Y.T~le~one Co. 25.~ ~ 25.~; Fire ~ & g~okep Corp, 127'35; Motorola 29,56 & 29,56 & 11.34; N.Y.Telephone Co. 59';20; Fire E~ Croker Corp. 11,24; Oalif.Oil Co. 5.60; L.I.Li~ting Co. 72.55; Garage 10.24; Riverhead Auto Parts 26.00; Reginald H,Tuthill 14.00; L.I.Traveler 32.11 ~ 2.66 & 15,~; ~o.H. Nine 5,00; Walte~ Courts 5.00; Oliffo~ Polhemus 5.00; Humble ~il & faf.Co. 1.~. Report of Exa~nation of the Fire District acco~ts the State of N.~. ~pt.of A~it & Oontrol was received ~nd ordcre-.t placed on fi~e. Th~ secret~ reported on the Special Meeting to vote the 1962 budget. There ~ere B7 Yes votes, 1 No vote. Tot~ 27. On motion m~.le ,seconded and c arri~d the follo?.~ing Resol- ution was adopted~ Resoive~,that th~: inspectors of election serving on JuLy 21,1961,be p~:..id ~5,00 .:ach for their me,ices. Pe~ission w~s given to the M~ tituck Fire Oomp~y to t~e the GMC t~ck to Rocka~y Pi~yls~ on Sept.9. Motion was m~:~de,se~ed andc arriedthet the meeting be ad J ou~e :~. D.E .Gildersle ore, Sec.