HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/1961MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. ~d ~'~eas,Gtlde~,sieeve. Meeting h~ld t 2he fi~'ehouso,ea!led to o~deP By Ch~ir- man A~fig a~ 7.30 t, Iinutos of tbs May 26 o~ J~e 5o mee~i~s The ~llowing bills were odo~ p~id~ Post 0ffie~ O~lif.0il Co. ~,~; Ph!llip~ mept.S~ore 185.65; D.Gilde~slee~ Motion was m~de,seeo~od ~.nde ~ried that a Base ~tation 2-way ru~io be ~ve~tise:~ for bid in the L.X.~a~leP- Wat~~speeifi- oations to be insured in the advertisement;Bids to ~ eeelved ~ ~he seC~tz~ on o~ bofo~ 7.30 P.M. AuE,ZS~l~l,at .~ tine t~ey ~11 opened ~t the firehouse. The followin~ bud~e~ v;as udopted' fo~ the Purchase ~ ~pDargtus'- & Equipment M~n~en~ a~ep&tP ~App..& Equip. " " " ; B~ ldinga Fire ~elle Xns=v~ce Dnifo~a Mlsoellmeous 4OOO, O0 3000,00 3000.00 4000,00 4000,00 ~000. O0 250~0o00 500. O0 oo,oo. $ 2.7, I~.~s 'stim. ated nocoipts ._ 300,00 To~al ~o be rai~e~by to~x $ ~,~otion %~as mado,sueondod and carried that u l~ropooi~ion tO ~ul~ the ~o~t Of ~27~..0e' '0 by tax bo submitted to the qu~' llfte~ t~paye~s of the Fi~'e ~istrict ~t a Spoci'~ ~est!ng t9 ~ h~ !d at the firehouse on Au~tst ~1961,po11:~ to bo opened f~o:a 7 P ','~ .,,. to 10 P.M, ~d that netiee of s~d m~c. tlng bo pubiishedln the h.i.Travelo~t tituek WatsOn. ~otlon ~;as .m~dc,seco~e' and Se~lce,Inc. supply the fi~e Distrie~ with fuel 6il ~til Oeto~r 1, 1~. ~eeting was ~ dJo~ed, on motion ~de, '~' ".Gilderslecve, Soo.