HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/14/1961· ~INUTE3 OF M~:ETING OF (~OM~ISSioNER~ OF ~
~prX1 14,1961. PresenttOo;~nlssXon~rs Anl'ig~Reeve,Tu~hill,Price~and
Miska, ~nd Tre~s. OX/dersleeve,
.~eeti~ held ~t the firehouse,c~lled tO o~e~ by Ch~iman
~,~i. nates of the March ~eeting were read ~nd approved.
~105.~4 The following bills were o~ere:: paid~ Ecke~ Oil Bervice
,~'~; L.I.Li~ting ~o. 51~84; H~:,mptons Fire E~ulp.Oo.
~ee 5.72; Lou~s Se~lce St,".. 12.28; Le Roy B.Reeve 1040.27; N.Y.Tel-
· ephone 0o, 25.~ & 39.48; Ess, Stand~ 10.03; As::oc.Fire Distr.~:te of
N,~. 5.00; Tide--:ater Oil Co. 10.39; Geo.H.T. ylor' 20.10.
~:ominatiOns we~.conside~d from t~:e M t~ituck Fire
· for the officers of Chief Engineer ~nd First a~-Se~nd Assimtant C.E~s.
~s .chosen ~t the ComD~y meeting held April 6~1961~s~e being Richa~
O~ste~ for Chief yngineer;'~?,:lter Do~ for ~a~:~ama~zx First a~sist~nt,
~d J~ck V~ Rys~ck fo~ ~econd ~ssist~nt. ~.~otton ,as made,seconded ~nd
c~'.rried th,~-t the no~uln~tions be approved ~:.nd the three. ~:ppointed to their
respective posttions,~ll to take office at thc noxt comp~'~ny mee~g to
be held ~p~l l~th.
Motion ¥~as m~e,seconde: ~nd c,rrled, that the secrete~
write ~. letter to the ~-ttituck' Fire Co, re:Auosting the members to bear
in mind ~,t' at: z2lx~m~az~ in the future,~.,,hen nominating any or all
Fire Dep[.r~ent officers,that a gr~et,r percentage of s,.~ offieers should
be tv~il~ble for d~2 ~.t d~yt~e fires.
The secreta~ ~vas ~,lso directed to w~-ite' to the Fire
Comply that-in ~2-compensation c~se,.the Vol~mteer Firem~ has the
ri~t to select ~ny ~uthorized Ph2slci~n or podi~trist.
On motion m~e, seCo~e ~nd ~rried,.~:he meeting was
ad J ourne d.