HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/24/1961ad J ou rned.
Mar~ Z4,1961. Present: Oo~ssi oners anrig, Reeve,Tut~ll~Price,
and ~iska, a~ Treas. Gildersleeve.
Meeting ~vas h~ld ~t '~:he firehouse,called to o~er by
Chai~n ~rig ~t 7.30 P.M.
~inmtes of the February meeting ~vere r~ad ~ approved.
On motion made, seconded ~nd carried, the following
resolution was ~dopted:Resolved,Th~t effective this date'the custodi~
of the Mattituck Fire District,when engaged in fitting fires, is per-
foxing such duty in the capacity of a volunteer firem~.
On motion m~de,seconded ~d carried, it ~ws voted to
h~ve Exte~ed Coverage pl~ced on fire insurgence policies for both fire
The fo[iodinE bXlls v~o~e oPdo~od p: Xd~ SXdnoy P Tu~hXll
~,~ ~ 5,06; N,~.Telophono Go, ~5,~ & ~b,Rb; ~,~o~o~o1~ ~9,5~; Tide-
~a~or 0%% ~o, ~,45; CalXfo~Xa OXI 0o, ~,~0; F,S.~tter, vo~th ~
E~ko~ 0~ Se~oo 7~,~;Lou's ~o'~,S~., ~Z,40;~..,V,~eo 56,90; L,I,
LX~X~ ~o, 9~,~B; R~E,H,~thXll ~,~ ; Pro~l ~,Hmas ZS,00;Lo Roy
Rosve 158,40; Esso 8t~d~d 2,68; H&r~ Oha~kow Z:::,O0; l'3o~uns Omp,Board
Tho ohmX~: o~e~od bXds for fXPe -~oll ~obs to be oponed.
Bids roooXvod: Oasola %o11 D~XIXo~s~s~lo,L,I, ~ ~olls,~d Kravel paok-
ing t~.~o existing ~ells .~:1300.00 per Job }~xtra d
· epth,:~'l~ .00 per foot~
Ch~n~e of loc~ion ~12.00 per hour. Certified ckec~ ~ith bid ~28.00
Joseph J.Krei~er, Inc.,Rlverhe~d,L.I. ~ n~v ~ells ~nd
~r~vel p~cking t~o existing ~ells $~.00. Extra depth ~.00 pe~ foot;
Ch~n~e of loc~tion,~10~00 per hour; Extr~ length of scPeen *~0.00 per
foot, Certified check with bid
East Ooast ~ell Drilling ~ Co.,Inc.,Riverhead,L.I
. Supply
~ n~ ~ell~ ~t ~11~ each. E~tra depth ~.00 pe~ foot. Extra length of
strainer $2~.$0 per foot, Oh~nge of loc~tion,~:lO.00 per hour. For gr~vel
packing 2 e~i~ing ~ells,$828.00 ea~. Bond of Travelers Indem~:ity
~ith bid.
0n motion m~e,seconded a~ carried,l~ was voted to
the cont~ract to Joseph J.Kreiger, Inc.
A letter ~as received from ~o~thold To~n S~pe~isor Lester
~.Alb~tson stating that he h~d ~ppointed ~erbert Bou~ton of M~%tituck,-
to se~e ~s Fire ~pa~tment Inspector of M~ttit ~ck Fire Di tri~
Moti. on m~de,second~d a~ carried th~ t 8 copi,s each of
~or~s Oom~ensation Law, ~r~d of Volunteer Eremen~ ~enefit L~,b~
purchased. ·
L~cations for ne~v wells,tent~ tively chosen,~?ere N~ugles
Drive,Park ~venue,and Br~ 2 Ave~.~ue.
Motion was made,~econded ~d c~r~ied that the ~l~ms
Bond covering the tr. aaurer,be cont~nued in effective ~til re~e~al ti~,
when it is ~o be ~e ~l~.ced by ~'bo~d of ~nother inmur~nce
Motion ?as made,seCondod end ca~.~Pied that the me~.'~ting be
D. R. ~ilde r~e~e, Sec.