HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/24/1961MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT
Feb,24,1961, ~resent;Oo~ssioners ,~t~RIG, l~e~Ve,Tuthlll~?rioe ~nd Mlska
~nd Treas. G~ldersleeve.
,,,eeting was held ~t the f~rehSuse~c~2e~i to o~er by Ch~ir-
m~n ~rig , t 7.S~? P.~.
~lnutea of the ~ua~ ~etinE wer~ read ~d approved,.
The folio,lng bills ~ere o~ered pm~ ~ St te Insur~ce
F~ ~5,~.o0; S.P.~thil~ 54,40; N.Y.Telephone Co. RS.~ & 38.10; North
Fork B~ ~wT.Co. 7.~0; No~o~la ~,~ a 24.~8; Esso 8t~dard 2.15;
Fire E~ & ~ke~ 81'84;Tide:,~ater Oil Co. 8.1~; L.I.Li~ting Co.
N~lco~ Tuthtll ~O.O0;L.I.~'ravele~ ~1.~ ~7.30; Eckert Oil Be~e.
E~a R.Tut~ll 12.~; Notorol~ 10.1~; Shell Oil Co. R.4E;News-RevieW.3~.70:
H~mptons Fire App.Co. 14.~5; J~s.B.Z~oski,Jr. 25.O0;Hen~ Tyler 94.005~
GeO.L. Pe~y, Ioc. 3R.~.
The seoreta~ reported that ~tty.~fm.~lc~,m had ~.dvised
~m that no referendum ',vas necessa~ in. ~ga~ to expe~ttures from the
Cep.Beserve F~ for Fi~e ~ells (as co~sid~red '~t J~nua~ meeting) ,but
that a newsp per notice ;vas s~ficient. The notice has been p~bl~shed,
~ He ~lso reported that i~r~nce broker Le Roy S.Reeve
h~d ~n2o~d h~ thet ~ insurance comp:ny was to ~al(e i~pections
reg~ to taking over insurance coverage that ,~'~ ~re to ~ncel with the
Glens F&~lls Gom~y.
~n ,notion mede,seconde~ and ca~rle.~ ~the meeting
~d J ourned. ..
D.It. Gilds rsleeve, Sec.