HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/27/1961. ~_~ MATTITUCK FIRE: DISTRICT MATTI?UCK. LONG ISLAND, N. Y. Jan.27~1961. Present:Commissioners Anrig, Reeve, Tuthill, Price ~?nd Miska and Treas.Gildersleeve. Meeting held ~t the flrehouse,d:tled to' o~er b~ Ch~-i~:n Minutes of the J~n.6 ,,~'~d Jo.n.16 ~:,eotings were read and The follo~'~Ing bills were o~ored ,'a~d:Firemens ~sen.S~ te of [tew ~ork 4.o0; Tide~'~ater Oil Co~ ?.4?;C~lifo~ia Oil Co. 16.44;Shell Oil The seoretar2 reporte~ th~ insurance a~ent ~e Ho2 S.Heeve ~s workin~ on the p~position ~ replaoin~ Glens F~ lls insurance poli~les with ot~r c~ies. ~ motion was m~de,seeon~ed and carried that Co~- issioners ~rig ~ ~rice see ~P~.Heeve in re~ to Glens or to ~iscon~lnue it ~r.Heeve ~por~ed t~t ~ L.r.Z~mber of th~ ~ast Drilling ~a ~UPpl20om~.~2 s~ he ~ul~ correct ~eficieneles in fire wells inst~lled in 196~. ~e~ien ma~e,seeonded ~c arried that check in payment of s~e ~xi~ ~s been ~itheld,be forwa~ed,~ith l~t~er stating th~ t p~.~ent ~s be~ made ~i~ the ~,rst, riding th~ the Job wo~ld be zt ~aa moved,seco~e~ ax~ c ~-..rricd that bids be ~.dvortised for the const~ction of three new f~e ~,~ells, gr~:~vel p~..Cked,s~me specifics, tions ~s last year, locations to ~ se!eote.l;also th~ t~?o new existin~ fire weLls~one near the ,~resbyteri~ ~hur~,~d one hoar ~ew ~eth~y Cemete~, ~ gravel packed. B~ds to be ~rtised in th8 News - Heview ~d the Trav- eler-~.'atc~n~two weeks each; bids to be received b2 the sec~ta~ up to 7.30 ~-.;~[.March 2Aelg~I; work to be c~pleted by Nov .l~1961, ~otion ~'~as m~.de, seeo~ed ~'~c arried that a D~positton be submitte- to the t~.~2er~ Of the '~ire Df~strlct,if necessa~,asking for pe~ission to spe~,d all or p~ t of the a~t no~v d~$~o~tted in the Cap- itel ~eae~ ~'~d for Fi~ ~,.ella, for t~e eonst~ction of new fi~ '~ells, .~nd the repair of others in the year 19615 referend~ to be ,dvertised in the 'A'ravele~,atc~, of Feb.3,1~61,s?eci~l meeting to vote s~ to be held Feb.23,1951. Motion ~vae mAde,seconded ~nd'c arried that ~:;artin Suter,~lter Courts ~d Seorge H.i~ne ~serwe t~s inspectors of tho above meoting'~nd be p~.id ~j~5.00 each for ~t~eir semites. ~otion ~:~aa made,seconded ~.nd c ~rri~ that' th~' meeting be .- ~Jou~,d. D.R.Gildersleeve