HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/06/1961MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT
J~n.6,1961. Present~Commissionera Anri6,Reeve~Tuthill,Price,~nd ~isk~
ar~l Tre~s.Oildersleeve.
~.eting was he~d ~t the fi~house,ca~.led to o~er by Ch~: i~
~nr g ~-t 7,45 ~,~,
The Tr,::asurer ac~e, ~s ch~.~an for the election of
m~ for 1961. Otto L.~mrtg ~as~lace. In nomination. There being ~o other
nomln~tions,no~in&~tions ~.,~ere close~,: nd on motion m~de,seconde~ and
c~rried a~am~a one vote ~?as c~st for .~r.~nr g for
;;;r.~mrig took the c~air,~d by the s~me procedure -e above
~has.a.~rice 2~ ~:~as ~lected v~ee ch~ t~aan for 1961.
~otion ~as made,seco~,:.~d ~:nd c::rrted that Do~ aid
sleeve be ,p~ointe,. secret.~ for the year i9~1 · t ~ ~alary o~
~h,~ t~'easurer~s ~u~l fin~,,nelal re~Ort,~.~-~d his ~nnual report
On motion maae,seco~ed ~d c~rrled the followlnE Resolution
~'~S ~dopted: ~i~?sloved~th~ t the ~Z~ 14orth Fox'k B~ nk ~.: ~,t~t
of ~.;~ttituck~.~. be n~mea the ~epos~t'o~ for the l~tre District~s
fo~ t~e ~ear 1~61,
.~ot~on ~as made,seconded ~c~rried tn~t out of the b~ l~ce
on hand In th~ c~eck ~ccount ~d ~he regul~..r interest ~cco~mt ~the
~15)0.00 ~ t~sf~r~ed to the ~ it~ ~ese~e Fund for Fire
~1500.0U to t.~)e C~pit~ ~,,serve f~nd for , ~aratus.
:~otlon was m~de seceded und c=rried that Glens Falls Ins,Oo.
.ublic Off~ei~l. Bo~ No..BZ?8OS,~mo~t ?~40OO.~,Princlp~l Donald D.Glld-
ereleeve, dated effective J~n.l,l~l,be ~pp~ved.
.The ~cret~ ~roduced ~:11 accou~.t books~c~ncelled checks,
and other bobks ~s re uired by i,~u~,und same ,~ere acknowledged by the
Fire Oor~.o~l on, rs,
~ ~i~nutes of theD~:~oembe~, 1960 ~ettn~ ,:~re 'read ~nd ~?D~ved.
On ~ot~on mude~seconded ~d carried~the meetinK
~d J o urncd.
, ~ / ~ /