HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/29/1961MINUTE3 OF MEETING OF O0~iS~ONE]~S OF ~
Deco29,1961. FresenttCommissioners Anrig~Tuthill,~rioe ~ndMiska, and
Meeting held at the firehouse,oalled to order by chairman
Anrig at 7.~o P.M.
Minutes ofthe Hovember meeting were read and approved.
Th~ following bills were ordered paidl N.Y.~lkphone Co.
$S6.~0 & 2~.50; L.$,Reeve l$.uO~Lou~s Serv. Sta. 17.25~ Calif.O~l
9.~9~ Humble Oil & Rfg.Co. 4.S?;~Motorola 40.003 Evke~t Oil Serviee
49.70~ ~.I.Traveler 8.00~ Hanson s Garage 28.5~; Geo,H.Nlne S.O0! Walter
Courts ~.00~ Msrttn ~ute~ 5.00~ ~os.~.Xreiger,Ino. 8916.00~Robt.M,
Conklin ~O.O0;?ide~ater Oil Co. 15.?7;3~Hampton Elect.Asses,
Reeve W.W.& Lbr.Co. 8.50; Shell Oil 0o. 4.18.
The seeret~r~ reporte<t on the annual eleetion held Dee.5,
1961, Votes e~,st;178; for Otto L,Anrig for fire oommissioner 173;Void
Motion made~seeonded and o~rrled that the Xreiger bill for
fire wells be p~ld ~s fo[lower $3600.00 from amount appropristed in
b,~dget for 1961;$2001.~0 from C~pital Rossi-ye Fund for fire we~ls~
$~14.50 from b=lance in amount spp~opriated for purehase of ~pparatus
(1961 budget) to be transferred for fire well purposes.
Globe Inde~nXty 0o. Treasueer~s Bond No.~Ol~61,amount
$4~O0.O0~prineipel Donald R.Gildersleeve,ending~Esn 1,1963~was approved
b7 the oommlssioner.e.
Lotion was made~seeonded and oarried that the offer of
Jos.J.Xreiger of/~90.O0 for sereen held by him ~e aecepted.
Motio~ m~de,seeonde~[ :~nd carried that the R~yno Distributors
Freeport,M.Y. be ~Vised that we d~ not wish to renew their oontr~ for
o21indere, aotio~ was made seeonded snd c srrle~ theft future oxygen
puroh~ses be m~de~fvom David De ~'r~&st.
~otion was made,seoonded and carried theft Oommlssioner Miska
be appointed to erde~ steel posts for m~rkers for hydrants ~nd sister, s.
Motion was mede seconded snd earried that the hydrant on Knoll-
wood A~A, ive have seo~ton added to inorease its ~ight.
Lotion was made,seeonded and earrie, i that 4 nosepteoes for
Soot~ Air Peek be pu~ohased.
The date for the 196~ org~miz~,tion meeting was set for ~.~n.5~
196 at 7.~0 P.Mo