HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/26/1962MINUTES OF MFVTIN6 OF CO~]MISSIONMRS OF THE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT , MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. Jam.Z6,1962. Present:Cc~nmissioners Anrig,Tuthill,Price,and Miska, and Tress.Gild ersleeve. Meeting was held ~t the firehouse,called to order by Chairman ~nrlg at 7.45 P.~. Motion was m~de,seconded and carried that William 0hudiak be a~pointed a Fire 0ommissioner to fill out the unexpired term of the late Elwood S.Reeve,who died on J~n.8,i96~,~nd w.hose term would h~ve expire:~ Dec.$1,1~82. M~nutes of the Jan. 8 meeting were read and approved. The £ollcwing bills wereordered paid: North Fork B~k & Tr~.~st Co. $ ?.Su;L.I.Pire Equip Co. llB.40; Hansen's Garage ELms R.T~thill 1~.~0; Sidney F.Tuthill 569.11; N.¥.Telephone 0o. ~8.10 & 2~.50; L.I.Lig~ting Co. S2.~7 ; ~oto~ol~ 49.86; Tidewater Oil Co. 26,49, On motion m~de,seconded and carried Resolutions were adopted to send to the family of CommisA crier Elwood S.Reeve,a copy to be placed on file with the minutes of this meeting. assr.Chief Van Ryswyck reporte~ that the Fire Company had been asXed to burn the building fo~uerly known as Villa Nadeleine located on the Baxter property on the ~in Road. After some discussion as to the advisibilfty of so doing,motion was m~de,seoonded and carried that the matter be l~.td on the t~ble ~ for a~ month. There~was ~lso disc~s~ion of the purchase of a new fire truck,its use ~n~ equipment to be carried,this to be furt~r considered in the near future. Motion was m~le,seconded and c arried~that Chas.Miska be appointed to contact Chief Oi;~ted in regard ~o purchasing m.~ttens for the firemen,with authority to make the purchase if he considered the price satisf~otory.~ ~otion was made,seconded and c~r~ied that 12 ne'~ m~ps of the fire dlst~ic~ be p~,ch~,sed. ~eeting w~s ~dJourned ~t 9.15 ~.~.,on motion m~de~ seoonae~ ~a carried.