HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/05/1962~INUTES OF ~aEgTINO OF CO;~I~GIONEES OFTHE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y." ' ANNUAL ORG~ IZ,~TION :,~ESiT[ ~O. Jan.5,1962. Presmnt:Commisstom rs anrig,~uthill,Prtce,~ nd ~Iska,~.nd Treas. Glld~ r31eeve. ~eetin~ held ~t t~ flrehouse,calied to ~rder at 8 P.~., Treaa.Gllde~aleeve pr~sidin~ for th~ election of a chai~n Otto L.anrig was place~ in nomtn~ tion, seconded, and declared elected ~hen no other nominations ~,re m~de. ~.anri~ took the ch~r,~nd by the s~e procedure Ch~s.A. Price 5rd,~as elected v~ce ch~l~. On motion made,seconded end ce?rled Don~ld ~.Gildersleeve ~as appointed secreta~ for the year196Z,sela~ to be ~580.00 per year. On motion m~de,seconded ~nd carrted,t~ foolowing resolution w~a ~dopted~ Resolve ~ th.t the North Fork B~ und 'i'rust Co:~p~y be n~d depository for the Fire District monies for the year 1962. The tres~ure~ submitted t~ annual fin~ci~l report and the Beport of aeceipts a~ Disbursements. ~.~otion was made,seconded ~dc arried th .t both reports be ~pl,roved. ~otion was m~de,seconded ~dc~:rrled that of the balance on h~nd at t~ close of the year 1961 ($6363.00),the s~me of $S500.00 be transferred to the Capit~ ~serve ~d for Apparatus,~:~nd $2500.00 be transferred to the C.pital Reserve F~d for Firehouse. ~inutesof the December meeting we~ read a~ approved. The following bills were ordered p~id~ Motorola %~.V.Duryee ~.86; $.P.Tut~ll 114.75; State of ~.Y.assoc. of Fire ~ists. 25..-,~; Flremen'$ Aasn. St~te of N.Y. 4.00; ~.Y.Telephone Co. 2~.10; Irving C.~ells llS.00; Geo.L.PennM,Inc. 16.00; Fred Haas 20.00; ~uis Do~ 4.~; Tidewater Oile Co. 11.27; Eckert Oil ~rvice,Inc. 80.85. Meeting was adJouened,on motion made,seconded ~nd~c arried. D .R. Gild o rs!ee ye, Sec.