April ~0,1962. SPEOI~LMEETING.
Present:Commissioners Anrig, Tuthill,Miska,and Oh~iak
and Treas.Gildersleeve. also Chief 0tmste,:i ~:.nd Assr.Chief Dohm.
meeting was calle~ to ~ order by Chairman ~nri~ at
7.20 P.M. for the purpose of drawing up specifications for a fire txeAck
ch~ssis. After considerable discussion specifieations were agreed upon,
and motion was made,seconded and carried that the secret~ry have Attorn~
Willl~ ~iokham publish the re iuired notices in the Traveler ~atc~Jaen of
Mat 10 for sealed bids on same to be receive~! on or before 8.00 P.M.
May 28,!960,bid~ to be opened and read at that time. ~ copy of the specif-
ications to be filed with these minutes.
Meeting was adjourned' at ~.05 P.~.,on motion made,
seconded andcarried.
D. R. Gild~e ~le eve, Sec.
Hattituo k, N.Y.
Sealed bide will be ~eeeived by the Boa~d of Fire Comaleelone~
of the ~attit~k Fire Dietrtet at the ~attltuek Fire House, Pike
Street, ~attitu~k, Suffolk County, New York, until 8100 P.M.,
on Nay 2%, 1962, at ~hieh ti~e they will be publioly opened and
read aloud.
The Board of Fire Oo~selonere, above named, reserves the
right to waive any infomnaltttee in or to reJeot any or all bide.
Eaoh bidder must depoeit with hie bid, euPety in the £o~ of
oerttfiod shook, sash o~ bid bond for five (~) per sent of the
mount of the bid. Thie will be retu~aed on rejection of the bid
o~ on doltver~ of tho t~d~. In acne,dense with the epooifioation
and ter~m hemein, aoeeptan~e o~ ~ejeotiou of the bid will be made
within five daye after opening.
2. Speo.ifioatione
3/~ T~n ~ou~ Wheel Drive, 1962 Chassis
127 in. Wheelbase, Minim
DeLuxe Cab, Custos equipped wi~ air ~ heate~ and de~ate~
~al Windshield WtpoPo, St~I Ll~tm, Do~ ~t
~al S~ ~iao~a. Left Side A~ Rest
0h~ ~ont b~e~ and g~ill. Chime hub s ape.
Prime paint fo~ ~d finish.
Beton P~ ~ t~ of oab.
~P~Ps - West eoaot o~ eq~l, ohP~e, one on etoh side of
oab. 8tan~ piok-~ sise
2 Spot Ll~., o~P~e, ~usta~e ~ tneide of otb. O~ on
· edePal ~56 Ra~, '~e~"17~ '~>~1. 12 Volt. On eente~ ·
~ to be ~q~ed ~ ,oil bl~' ai~ eleanor, oil filter,
Heavy duty valves and ~otatoP.
Oluf~h- 11 in. diameter, hydPattlio &otuated.
T~nmaiseion - Fo~ speeds fo~Pd, one ~eve~se, f~l
~f~e O~e - T~eh T22~ o~ eq~..~tto 1 to 1 and i.9~ to
~w 7 13/~ t~. x a 3~ X~. x 3/~6
Ti~a - ~ve 7~00 x 1~, 6 ply o~e~i~ t~e ~i~ and ~ube
(~d sad 8n~
Ooolt~ Syst~ - 33 q~, ~ap~ity, ~ntal a~oa ~ sq. in.
~ut ~e- ~oid SX~Ae ~ed~tion. ~Mk abso~be~, f~on
Rea~ ~e - ~oid oi~e Pod~tion. Monroe load levelers
eqalvalent. PMP l~k oP eq~l.
Roa~ springs - ~00 lb. Hea~ d~ty with ~00 lb a~ilta~
F~nt spPim~o - 2000 1~ mlm~
8teePl~ - S~inaw ~del %2%D o~ equal. Ratio ~ to 1
Within 90 days after aooeptanoe of bid