HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/29/1962~INUTES OF ~E~TING OF O0~J~,~.£S$IONI{RS OF THE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. June 29~1962. PresenttOo~i~issioners ,.~I~RIG,Tuthill,Price~Miska and Chudiak, and. T~eas. Oild~rs!eeve. Meeting he~ at t~ firehouse,calle~ to order by Chair- m~ Anrig at 7/~0 i~inutes of the M~y meeting were read a~ approved. The following hills were ordered paid~ L.I.Traveler & 8.10; Otto Van Tuyl ~i ~on 1~.00; ~.V.~r2ee 15.O2;E.Y.Telephone Co. E5.~ Hu~es & 'l~omas 105.50 & $59.56~see note below);Ra~o $istributors 1.20 & ~ 24- Hun~we'n~s G~.rage 5.09; S~H~pton Elec.~ssoc.,Inc. 10.50; Post Office ~.65S ~otorola ~9,56; Tidewater Oil ~o. 19.25; At el~t o'clock bids for the fire t~ck ehassis were opened and read,bids as follow~ (Fo~ Truck) Lyon Fo~,Riverhead,N.Y. $~08~.A8 (Oert.C~ eck Orab~ree & O'Eeefe,Riverhead,N.Y. $~$~A.~ (Oert.Oheck ~;150.00) (Ohevrole~ L.I.Pr~uoe & Fertz. Oo.,Riverhead,N.Y. $~0.00 Check $168.~) ( In~er~tional T~ek) Oh~bers M~nor Garage,H~tington,N.Y. $~068.00 (Ce'Pt. Check $155.00) (OMC T~ck) After due consideration,motion was made,seoo;~ded and carried that the bid of Chambers ~ Manor Oarage,$~O~.OO~be accepted. O rtifie ~ cheeks of otheP bidders to be returned. A special meeting was ordere~i for so~'~e time next at ~lch time Chief Olmsted is to submit specifications for the bcd2 to be attached to the ~cceptei chassis, The re~lar J~y meeting date was set ~ead,to be held Friday, July 20,at · 7.30 P.E. Suggested site for A new fire well~Westp~lis. near residence of Bar~ Ohavkow. ~ieeting was adjourned ~.~t 9~30 P.~.,on motion made~ seconded ~ndc~P~ieA, D.R.Gildersleeve,Sec. Note;Hughes & Thomas Bills $103.50 859.56 To be paid by Fire District, ~mt,vote,~ in budget 500.00_ Balance to bepaid by Natt~ ituck Fire Co. $463.06